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"Well, I don't know! but whatever it is I am just glad that he called. And whats up with you, Allen? Why are you suddenly so grumpy?" Shine said.

Allen didn't have the chance to answer her as Shine's mom enter the room and stop them.

"Oops! hey! you can both stop now the food is here...Shine! go and wake up Min...Allen dear, can you help me with our food...Dad the food is here, stop that now!"Mom ordered everyone as she walks in to the door.

After dinner, Allen stand up and he thanks them for the meal.

"I will drive home now and thank you for this. I'll eat here again hahaha" Allen said with gladness in his voice.

"You're always welcome here Allen" Dad said.

"Drive safely, Allen. Shine, you walk Allen out to his car" Mom ordered.

They wave at him and Allen wave back to them too. Shine walks Allen to his car just like what her mother told her to do. They walk in silence as Shine is still not talking to Allen.

Allen stop and face Shine. Allen wants to make sure that the misunderstanding between them are fixed before he leaves.

"Sorry! I know, I shouldn't have acted like that's just that, I have many other things bothering me right now and I end up throwing them at you...SORRY" Allen said, apologetic to Shine.

"I just don't understand! when we got home earlier, you are in a good mood and then I don't know what happened but after I came back, you suddenly started to be 'angry' or something at me" Shine said seriously.

Allen hold her shoulders and lower his face to Shine's level. Shine is taken a back and tried to move her face away from him but Allen hold her firmly.

"I am not angry, especially not to you. I can't and I will not be angry at you" Allen said firmly.

Shine can see Allen is being true to his word. It's like a promise that assure her.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow but for now please let it go...please"Allen added and he smile.

"How can I not?"  Shine said on he mind when she see the smile at Allen's face .

Shine nodded like a child to Allen.

"Thank you" Allen said and he releases Shine. Allen walk to his car and take a final looked at Shine.

"Seeyah tomorrow" Allen said when he is inside his car and drive. Shine went back inside their house.

The night is almost over. Shine's preparing to sleep but she send an email to Yuzuru first, as she said she would.

To: Yuzuru Hanyu
From: Shine
Subject: Hi!

Hi Yuzuru, I hope you are doing well there. When are you coming back here? Min really misses you. I don't know what else to say...hahaha... But I just really want to say is always take care of yourself :-) I'll be waiting for you to come back; I mean me and MIN :-)

and she press send.

Shine is about to close her laptop when she got a reply from Yuzuru.

From: Yuzuru Hanyu
Subject: Hello

Hello! Shine, I am doing just fine. How about you? Min? I'll be coming back SOON. I want to see both you and Min so much...see you SOON :-)

"Soon" Shine smile as she reads those words from him.

They continue to email each other two more times before Shine went to sleep.


The next day, everything at the club is pretty much the same except for the fact that Min and Yuzuru are not there.

Shine is looking at the other kids doing figure skating. She then remember her little brother Min, he's at their house and sick.

"He will be so cute if he's here" Shine said to herself and sigh.

Suddenly, while Shine is staring blankly at the ice rink, someone tall, slim and fair colored young man appear —it's Yuzuru.

"What are you thinking?" Yuzuru curiously asked her but he can't hide being happy to see Shine again. 

But because Shine is loss in her mind, she answered Yuzuru without thinking or looking at him.

"My brother" Shine said and sigh.

Yuzuru is silently waiting for Shine to speak more.

"it's sad that Yuzuru is not here but him too! it's just too much!" Shine sadly said again. Even without actually seeing him, he looks like smiling from Shine's side vision.

Shine continue to stare blankly in the ice rink and sigh again.

"Why? What happened to them?" Yuzuru asked again.

"My brother is at home...sick. That poor kid, he is too exhausted maybe. And Yuzuru is still in Japan. I don't know when will be he coming back" Shine said with a sad and blank face.

"Oh that's bad...but cheer up you are prettier when you smile"Yuzuru cheerfully said.

"Thank you" Shine said with a smile and she finally decided to look at him.

"Oh sorry but what it is— Yuzuru?"Shine said surprised when she him standing in front of her desk.

Yuzuru smile happily in front of her.

"How?..what?..why are you here? aren't you supposed to be still in Japan?" Shine asked startled by his presence.

"Well, I am not supposed to be back until Friday but I...." Yuzuru said but he hesitate to tell the reason "Anyway I am here" Yuzuru said instead while he is really enjoying the sight of Shine's reaction.

"So..You miss me" Yuzuru said smiling.

"Well...I said it's Min and I" Shine defended herself and smile.

"Of course, I miss you" Shine's inner self said.

"I MISS YOU TOO...A LOT actually!" Yuzuru said and looked at Shine directly into her eyes.

A LOT actually!" Yuzuru said and looked at Shine directly into her eyes

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