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They reach Shine's residence. Allen and Shine remove their seat belts and move out from the car. Allen then get Min from the back seat. Shine said to Allen that she will carry Min but Allen insisted to bring Min inside instead.

Shine lead Allen to Min's room.

"Put him here"Shine said to Allen, pointing at the bed in front of them.

"He must be really tired" Allen said while he puts Min down to his bed.

"Yeah! But I think figure skating has slowly becoming part of him" Shine said while she remove Min's shoes and put a blanket over his body.

Shine and Allen walks out from Min's room and head to the dinning table. Shine prepare a snack for Allen.

"Now where were we?...ah I remember...Why are you disappointed again? You said Yuzuru is just a 'friend' right?" Allen start his interrogation.

Shine put a peanut butter- jelly sandwich and a drink in front of Allen.

"Yes! he is just a friend! but you know... I thought we are close enough for him to tell me about Mikka" Shine defend herself.

"Do you also tell him everything?...does he know about me too?"Allen asked.

"Well that's different"Shine defend herself.

"How it is different?"Allen asked again.

"Oh just eat your sandwich"Shine said irritably.

Allen smile at Shine and take a bite of his sandwich.

"So Shine, I heard from your dad that you are studying different languages? How it is?" Allen suddenly inquire.

"Well, it's still a working process I am having some difficulty studying french and spanish" Shine answered.

"I can help you if you want. Remember I am quite linguistic too" Allen offered.

"Yeah I know, you can speak five different languages. Thank you for the offer but I'll asked if I needed anything" Shine said.

Then, Allen is drinking while Shine is looking at him —she know that Allen has a point about Yuzuru earlier.

"Allen is right, we do need some privacy and maybe there are things that are better if left unsaid. Besides, Yuzuru and I are just friend" Shine said in her mind.

"What?" Allen asked.

"Nothing!" Shine answer while she shake her head.


After about an hour Shine walks Allen out to the door.

"Thanks for the ride"Shine said and wave at him.

"It's nothing...I'll come visit you often" Allen said and smile.

Allen walks down the stairs and ride his car. Once inside, Allen starts the engine and his car roar to life. But before he leaves he take a last look at Shine and wave at her. Shine is about to turn around when she see Yuzuru and Mikka walking in the other side of the street. Shine wants to call Yuzuru but she hesitate when she see how Mikka is clinging to Yuzuru. So,Shine decided to just turn around, when she see Yuzuru looked at her and smile. Shine decide to also smile at him and go inside the house.


After Mikka appeared into Yuzuru's life, Yuzuru went back to Japan immediately.

Shine is lost in her thoughts as she remembers the call she received from Yuzuru that night; two days ago before he go back to Japan.

Shine was awaken by the sound of her ringing phone.

"Hello" Shine unwillingly answer her phone.

"Hi!" Yuzuru said, unsure on the other line.

Shine looked at her phone to see the caller,s name and looked at the alarm clock on her bed side table to see the time.

"Yuzuru? what makes you call this late?" Shine asked with her eyes still close.

Shine can hear that Yuzuru is hesitant to say his reason but Shine is too sleepy to make a demand.

"About Mikka..." Yuzuru said.

"What about her?" Shine asked as she is becoming more awake.

"I actually intended to tell you about her but..."He answered.

Shine take a sit on her bed as she is fully awake now.

"It's no biggie, I mean you don't have to tell me everything" Shine said halfheartedly.

Yuzuru then take a deep breath.

"I hope you are not angry at me" Yuruzu said.


"Why would I be angry at you?" Shine asked instead —she try to really sound confused and not jealous.

"Nothing, I guess,I am worrying for nothing" Yuzuru said with a more relax tone.

"Yes! you are" Shine said. Shine still feel jealous, but somehow just hearing Yuzuru's voice makes everything okay.

Yuzuru take a deep breath again.

"You sound like something is still bothering you, what it is?" Shine concernedly asked.

"The thing is..." Yuzuru hesitated.

Shine keep her silence instead and listen to Yuzuru to continue.

"...I am going back to Japan for a couple of days or weeks and I want you to be the first one to know" Yuzuru finishes.

"How about your training?" Shine concernedly asked.

"I already talk about it to coach Brian. Beside I will not be gone for long, maybe I can also practice there" Yuzuru said.

"O..kay..when are you leaving?" Shine asked.

"What was that about? Why does he need to go to Japan right after Mikka shows up?" Shine seriously thought and frown.

Then in the middle of her reverie a very comical Nam Nguyen approach her. His knock on the reception table bring Shine back to reality.

"Hey Shine, do you know why Yuzuru went to Japan all of a sudden?"

Shine startled at Nam's presence.

"Huh...Sorry what?" she said and it's obvious that her mind is in somewhere else.

"Shine, Are you okay?" Nam asked Shine, as he see that she is not herself today.

"Yes! I am...Thank you" Shine answer and smile.

"I am okay..right?" Shine said in her mind to convince herself.

"So why Yuzuru has to go back to Japan?" Nam repeat his inquiry.

"Oh that... I don't know anything about that either" Shine's quick response.

"I see, I thought you might know because you seem pretty close with him but I guess your not" Nam said and he shrug his shoulders.

"seeyah later Shine" Nam added. He waves and enter the ice rink again, leaving Shine in the reception alone.

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