7 - "That guy from Fall Out Boy who isn't Pete Wentz"

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Patrick's POV

I was sitting outside the place I had arranged to meet Joe,  just watching the people go by. It wasn't really a busy day. A few people reconsigned me and I'd been called "that guy from Fall Out Boy that wasn't Pete Wentz". Some other people came up to me asking if I was from Fall Out Boy and when I told them I was they said that I looked better when I was a bit chubbier. I wasn't expecting that. I was still a bit chubby as I was eleven stone but nowhere near what I used to be. My asthma had improved, not gone but improved. I still couldn't walk at any speed for long as I got really out of breath but I didn't have to stop every ten minutes. I saw some girls walk past in Fall Out Boy merch but they didn't give me a second glance. I suppose I did look very different. I had bleached blond hair in a different style, I did have my glasses and fedora on and a black cardigan, black skinny-ish jeans as I did have quite chunky thighs still and black boots. All the black was a mistake as it was fairy hot which I hadn't realized as I had been in my studio which was air conditioned for most of the day. I see Joe coming towards me. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, he had really good legs, a black shirt with a skull on and black boots similar to mine. I get up and we hug as we meet.
"It's been a while 'Trick. How are you? Loving the hair by the way"
"Thanks, I had it done a few weeks ago. I'm surviving, just. How you doing?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Wanna go get subway?" I looked down at my feet. Was I hungry? Not really. But I couldn't say no.
"Yeah, yeah"

We got our food and sat down. We sat on a four seater table, I didn't know why since there was only two of us. We sat opposite each other. I looked at my food. I really wasn't hungry but I started eating it anyway.
"Patrick, you look great" I look at him.

"Thanks, so do you" I tell him. We talked about what had been going on over the past six months and he told me he had been jamming with Andy quite a bit. I hadn't seen Andy in at least a year. I told him about Soul Punk. Joe directs a smile behind me and I turn to see Andy coming towards us. I smile at him and as he moves to the side, I see a very worn down, pale, thin Pete Wentz.

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