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Andy's POV

Patrick seemed a little off about getting the band back together. He said it was because he couldn't deal with people talking and asking him about his weight constantly. He was nowhere near the weight he had been on our last tour thought. Pete had told me he was about fifteen stone now. He didn't have the jawline like he did a few months ago so it was obvious he had put on a the pounds.
"It doesn't have to be right away" Joe says, dragging on the e-cigarette he was fondling. Patrick wrapped his arm around Pete's, lying his head on his shoulder.
"Right, guys, are you dating cause there's a lot of this going on" Joe gestures to the screen and they both laugh.
"Yeah, we are" Pete says, smiling at the camera before smiling down at Patrick.
"Okay, good. Now, me and Andy have been writing some stuff that we could us in new songs, I don't know. We need to get together and -"
"Holy smokes, slow down Joe!" Patrick says. "We're not even sure if we're getting back together yet"
"Oh we are" Joe insists, a small smile grows on Patrick's face.
"Sure" He says.
"Joe's right, we've been writing some stuff together that sounds pretty cool" I tell them.
"I've written a few songs and bass lines" Pete confesses.
"It's like this was meant to happen" Joe says, leaning back on the sofa, putting the e-cigarette to his lips. 
"So, when are we gonna practice?" 
"Tomorrow" Joe states.
"Tomorrow?" Patrick replies.
"Yes. Be here at eleven"
"I don't get out of bed until one!" Patrick moans.
"Then get your lazy ass out of bed!" Joe shouts at him. Patrick puts an arm around his stomach.
"Patrick, I'm not on about your weight. I'm saying that you're a bit lazy" he moves away from Pete and wraps his other arm around his stomach.
"This is why I don't want to do the band again. I don't want to be constantly told I'm fat, I'm lazy, I'm not good enough"
"Patrick, if you hide from the people who hate, it's not going to get any better" I tell him. "You need to stand up and do what you're great at in front of all out fans and ignore them" He sits and thinks for a while. 
"Okay... I'll try"

Falling Together (Patrick/Pete)Where stories live. Discover now