16 - Reunion?

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One week later

Pete's POV

We had arranged to meet up with Joe and Andy just to hang out at one. It was twelve thirty and Patrick was still asleep. He wouldn't budge. I'd been into his room several times and he was curled up next to the wall snoring. I get him some jeans and a clean shirt before going over to him and pulling him onto his back and shaking his shoulder. He wakes up and groans. 
"Come on, we're meeting them in half an hour. Get your ass up" He looks at me. 
"Patrick, come on" I pull him up. He was resisting so that made it much harder.

"Fuck's sake Patrick" I mutter. I hand him the clothes.

"Come on, get dressed. We're leaving soon" he seemed lethargic, not really interested in anything that was going on. 
"Patrick, are you okay?" He didn't say a word. "Patrick" I repeated. He looks at me. 
"Pills?" He nods, rubbing his face. I go down and get his pills and some water. He was running out. I knew I had to check as he had a habit of not telling me when he needed more. He takes them reluctantly and then goes to get dressed. 

"You're late" Joe says, leaning up against the wall of Starbucks, Andy next to him. 

"Don't start" I say, holding Patrick's hand and dragging him forward. 
"Patrick, you've put on the pounds, buddy!" Joe pats Patrick's stomach and he moves back. I glare at him. Patrick had maybe gained a stone and a half since we last saw them. He looked really self conscious. He started squeezing my hand and I squeezed his back.
"Could we not talk about it?" Patrick asks quietly, looking down. Joe looks at him.
"Sorry 'trick" Joe apologies.  
"Learn to control your mouth Joe" I say.
"It's fine" Patrick insists. I look at him and he looks up at me, his fringe fallen over his right eye. 
"Do you wanna go get coffee?" Andy suggests. We all nod.

Me and Joe wait for our drinks to be done while Patrick and Andy find us a table. 
"Can you just try and stop pointing everything out?" I ask him, he looks at me as if he was confused.
"You have always had a habit of pointing out Patrick's weight"

"Sorry" The barista puts the drinks on the counter. 
"It's not me you should apologize to" I say, taking mine and Patrick's drinks to the table. Patrick is sitting with his arms around his stomach, looking uncomfortable and Andy is sitting leaning back on the chair. I take the seat next to Patrick and hand him his drink and Joe comes over with his and Andy's. We talk about random stuff for a while then Joe brings up about practice.
"Us guys should play together some time" Patrick looks at me. 
"But, not get back together?" Patrick says, moving his gaze to Joe. 

"Why not? People seem to miss Fall Out Boy" I looked out the window, straight into a camera lens. Flashes start going off and we hear people shouting "Fall Out Boy reunion". 

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