20 - "You're not over weight Patrick"

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Present day

A week later

Pete's POV

Us Fall Out Boy boys needed to talk. Joe was up for the reunion. So was Andy. So was I but Patrick seemed a little off about it.
"Why don't you want to do Fall Out Boy again?" I ask him at the breakfast table. His glasses we slipping down his nose as he looked into his cornflakes and his hair was messy but he looked perfect in his over-sized t-shirt and checkered pajama bottoms.
"I want to do the band but I'm kinda scared of people hounding me about my weight again" He tells me, moving his cornflakes around with his spoon.
"You're not over weight anymore Patrick"
"I almost am" he mutters, pushing his glasses up his nose. 
"If we put you on a diet again," he moans. "You're not doing anything to help yourself Patrick!"
"You can just do band without me" He drops his spoon and get up, downing the last of his coffee. 
"You're the fucking lead singer!"
"Was. I was the fucking lead singer. Get a new one" He goes upstairs. I didn't get how he wanted to do band and had been maybe not the most confident but still got on with it when he was massively over weight. Now, he was no where near that and he was petrified. I hoped for his sake that his panic disorder hadn't come back. That was torture for him and me. I heard the shower turn on and him walking across the landing. 

I was watching tv when Patrick joined me back downstairs. He was wearing a blue t-shirt which outlined his stomach quiet clearly and some black skinny jeans that were a little tight due to his recent weight gain. He falls down on the sofa next to me. 
"You okay?" 
"Fine" He says, looking at the tv.
"Patrick, you're not over weight" I tell him. He says nothing just leans his head on my chest. I stroke his slightly damp hair before kissing his forehead. 

It takes Patrick as while, but he eventually comes around to the idea that getting the band back together was a good idea. We looked through various diets and he chose one he thought was best. We were skype calling Andy and Joe, I swear they kinda lived together now like me and Patrick. Well, Patrick kinda forced me to live with him when he found out where I was living. Joe was smoking some e-cigarette thing, he was trying to quit too. I didn't really get cravings as much as Patrick did. He was always moaning about cravings. I still had a cough but not as bad as Patrick's with him having asthma on top. They boys were talking about how we would tell the fans about the reunion and with the press from a week ago it was gonna be a bit hard to keep it quiet.

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