29 - Meet and greets

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Patrick's POV

We had a really good show. I got short of breath once but it was at the end of a song and Pete talked to the crowd to past the time. He was good like that. Our relationship was still hidden from everyone outside the band. We had meet and greets after tonight's show which wasn't too bad. I did enjoy meeting out fans, they were so lovely. We had a twenty minute break before we went out. A few years ago, I would have drunk several beers during this time just to get the courage to go out there. We were all sitting in the back room, with our water. We were so boring now. But healthy. And Jesus Christ I needed to be. I was still kinda chunky but I was a lot better than I had been for the last ten years. I had to get the biggest size of skinny jeans and they we a little tight on my thighs. I could never loose weight from my thighs. I didn't really bother me though it did mean I never had stunning legs like the rest of the band did. Okay, maybe I'd lost a little but nowhere near the amount I'd lost from my stomach. Pete brings me out of my thoughts.
"Patrick, come on. Meet and greet time" He tells me, offering his hand to help me get up. I take it as my legs were feeling kinda weak after running around on stage for two hours. 

We take our places in the room, the queue was quite big and my anxiety starts kicking in a little, shit. I'd been mostly fine for the other meet and greets, why was it now? I stood next to Pete. I really wanted to hold his hand but we couldn't in public or people would get ideas. It was such a fucking shame that two people can't hold hands in public without people assuming that they're dating. The people start coming through, mostly wanting Pete and Andy and Joe as usual. I was literally just "the singer in the band" and nobody really cared about me. A few people talked to me while their friends were talking to Pete. I got told I was someone's favorite which cheered me up a bit. I didn't really like doing these cause of anxiety but it was really cool to meet the people who got us to where we are now. We were getting to the end of the line and I saw someone I recognized. When it got to her turn the in the line, she came over to me while the other people she was grouped with were fussing over the others. 
"Hey Patrick. I don't know if you remember me" She says. I looked at her before hugging her tightly.
"Of course I do Casey" She giggles a bit and hugged me back. 
"How you doing?" I ask her, letting go. 
"I'm great thanks. How about you? I see you've lost weight again"
"Yeah, I'm not incredibly great, this kinda stuff kicks my anxiety off but, y'know" I smile a little, looking down at our feet.
"Sorry, I'm really fucking awkward for someone who spends his life performing in front of people"
"It's okay. You're a really good role model though" Casey tells me.
"How? I was incredibly unhealthy and overweight, I took up smoking when I have asthma and I drank excessively" I tell her. She moves my head up with her finger under my chin. I was almost crying. I'm a fucking mess. I realized I'd told her that when I shouldn't have. Shit.
"Please don't fucking tell the press." I started crying a little "Please..." Casey hugs me before looking around for Pete. He was on the other side of the room. She takes me to the drinks table and gets me a drink before going to get Pete. I see her point over to me and Pete jogs over and hugs me. 
"Baby, it's okay" he whispers to me. I cry into his neck. "Come on, I'll take you back to where we were before. He takes me to the security and tell him that we were finished but Joe and Andy agreed to stay out a bit longer. Pete managed to get Casey to come with us which was pretty cool. I was just kinda gutted that she had to see me like this. 

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