22 - Back in the studio

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One month later

Patrick's POV

We were in the studio every day. Pete had written all the songs for our new album that we were calling Save Rock And Roll. It was gonna be amazing. We had several collabs on it, Elton John, Foxes, stuff like that. I was getting happier again. This is what I loved to do. Though I did get stressed a lot. And I mean a lot. I'd shout and punch walls and generally be a pain to work with when I was stressed. We were recording the guitar, bass and vocals for Where Did The Party Go. I was stressed as fuck today. I'd yelled at Joe once already and we had only been recording for two hours. The boys were used to me being like this but the people we were working with seemed a bit scared of me. Pete was recording his bass and I was pacing the studio, Joe was on his laptop in the corner. Andy wasn't in today as he didn't really need to be plus he was going to visit family. We had to record during the night time so that press didn't see us going into the studio. We recorded between nine in the evening and five in the morning as they seemed to not be around this area that much at them times. We had to all go into the studio at separate times and at different entrances. I was cranky as always. I had was a night person but I didn't know whether it was stress or what was the reason I wan't to sleep so much today. 
"Patrick, calm down, stop pacing" Joe says to me, my head snaps up and looks at him. His eyes widen. I go over to him and sit on the sofa next to him. 
"Sorry. I'm just so fucking stressed. I'm not ready for this" I tell him. 
"The album?" 
"Just getting on stage and performing again. Like I'm really pumped and stuff but also fucking terrified. "
"You've been hanging around Pete too much" He tells me.
"Huh?" I look at him and he looks back at me. 
"You've started swearing a lot"
"Stress" I tell him, looking away and playing with my fingers. The boys laughed at me cause I didn't take of my fedora when I was recording and just put the headphone around and under my chin. I didn't want to take my hat off. My hair was growing fast, thank God. Pete came out of the sound proof room for a break and he comes over to me and Joe.
"Hey" He says as he sits down. "You okay guys?"
"I'm really stressed" I tell him, taking my hat off and rubbing my hair. He pats me on the back.
"I'm kinda hungry" Joe says. 
"Get food then" Pete tells him.
"Get me some too please" I ask him. I lean back and put my head on Pete's shoulder. 
"How was that? Not too hard?" 
"Nah, it's fine. I just needed a break. I keep tripping up on one bit but I just need more coffee I think"
"Fair enough" 

"Are you enjoying this?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I am actually. Being back in the studio is fun, it's even more fun when Andy's here too. It's actually great apart from my stress levels."
"Try to keep them down. It's not gonna do you any favors. Remember your blood pressure" Ah yes, health problems. I had a mountain of them. I had lost weight but my diet was still crap. I was about fourteen stone now, my asthma was something we didn't talk about and excepted it when it attacked, my panic disorder was back, that reared it's ugly head every now and then, blood pressure was sky high, depression was... eh. Pete went back to recording a little while later and I was left alone to feel empty again. 

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