Breathe Me

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Chapter 9 Leah POV

*The next morning*

I gasp as I wake up with morphine shooting up my arm my parents wake up startled by my gasp.

"Are you okay baby" my mom ask

"I'm fine just hungry".... Ima go down to the cafeteria want anything" I ask

"No but please be back before they do a check up its at 1:30" she replies tiredly

"ok" I reply.

I walk out the door with my morphine hook up and begin strolling down the hall to the elevator.

I get on with a couple of nurses, all of then discussing there night.

I simply smiled at them when they made eye contact with me.

I reach the main floor and as I'm walking to the cafeteria, my phone goes off.

I look down to see who its from but I wound up running into a guy I look up its him.

"We gotta stop meeting each other like this" he says shyly

"Yeah" I say back

"I'm Tegean"

"Leah" I say

"Nice to meet you" he offers me a smile

"You too" I smile back

"Do you have a place to sit" he inquires

"Not at the moment" I answer truthfully

"You can sit with me if you want come on" he says

I walk down to his table to sit down and am greeted by a girl and boy who are already there.


The girl sitting across from me says whoa she gorgeous and has such pretty smile

Who the fuck smiles like that in the morning.

"This is ambreèlla and that's Braden" Tegean introduces.

"I'm Leah"

I look over at both of them and smile.

Braden's not so bad looking, he's actually quite the looker.

He has shiny teeth and an earring which went perfectly with his dark colored skin.

I look away for a moment to check my message from earlier it was Briland asking how I was doing.


Everyone looks up at me.

"Soorry" I reply

"Its ok we've all heard a phone go off before" Tegean says

I look down at my phone screen to read my message.

I'm here in the hospital cafeteria with Brooks she texted.

I look up in surprise why is he here.

End chapter 9

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