Despite being absent from Wattpad for awhile now, I have forgotten about this book nor have I been residing under a rock to be unaware of the recent crisis that has hit and will effect my book dramatically.
I understand that since my book does revolve around Zayn and Perrie, it is time for me to comment on their breakup. I need to get things clear with you guys that have shown this book so much support. The breakup was devastating, not only for them obviously but for the fans that have supported and loved them from the start which include a majority of you who read my book. It is hard accepting it. I know that but it's something that all of us must wrap our heads around.
Thus, comes the question; will this book continue?
Yes. Without a shadow of doubt. This book will continue with the same plot I had in mind and with the same enthusiasm I have shown it all along. Their breakup will not effect this book. I understand that Zerrie is no longer but this book was, is and will remain to be fiction. It's merely a piece of fiction written by someone who wanted to share a story that would interest readers and would hopefully, teach a lesson and it will continue to do/be so.
Thank you for all the support you guys have shown me. I appreciate all the comments I have gotten so much and all the reads.
Z. x
This note will be deleted in a couple of weeks, once I feel like I have reached out to a majority/all of my current readers.
Engaged [z.m.]
Fanfiction"All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name". And then I realized it was you. Copyright © 2013 @lovezohahmed. All rights reserved. More information on copyright and disclaimers section of the book.