Chapter 3

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Hola mi amigos! If you really are my friends or just some random creepers… oohh. Suspicion. Haha just kidding! Well here’s chapter 3 and if anyone wants to make a cover for this story then please do! I just found a picture cause I’m horrible at that kind of stuff. And remember, if you like the story… VOTE, COMMENT AND FAN!   :)



Chapter 3


                I poured the batter onto the electric griddle in all kinds of shapes. I heard Liam say, “Make me one in the shape of a dog!”

                I laughed and did as he requested, pouring the batter skillfully into a circle, and then a slightly smaller one below it, but making sure they were connected. Once I was done with this, I added two big floppy ears on both sides. I picked up the spatula and checked to see if the pancake was okay to flip, and when it was I flipped it over so the other side could cook.

                Oh yes, I was very skilled at making pancakes. I’ve had a lot of practice, what with making them every morning on the day that my dad was off work. My dad was a firefighter so I happy to make his favorite breakfast as long as he promised to stay careful. Over time, I had come to love pancakes as much as he does.

                I added the dog pancake to Liam’s plate and grabbed the batter bowl to see that there was just enough batter left for one more pancake. Slowly and carefully, I poured the batter onto the griddle in the shape of a butterfly, which was one of my favorites to make because I was so good at it.

                When the last pancake was done, I added it to the stack on the plate beside me. I examined the stack and decided that it was enough to feed his entire family so I gestured to Liam to call everyone down for breakfast.

                I turned the water on in the sink and started to wash the dishes when I heard Liam yell, “Y’all better get your butts down here before I eat all the pancakes!” I laughed as I heard feet pounding on the stairs and rushing to the kitchen.

                I watched as the Millers attacked the plate and took all the pancakes I had made, thankful that Liam and I had thought ahead and made our plates before calling them down. I grabbed my plate and glass of milk, taking them to the glass kitchen table. I sat down beside Liam, buttered my pancakes, and poured a small amount of syrup on my plate so I could dip and get just the right amount. I think it’s so gross when people make their pancakes swim in syrup, I mean it takes all the flavor out of the pancake!

                So that was the reason that I wrinkled my nose as I watched Grayson bathe his pancakes in syrup.  But Grayson, thinking it was for a different reason, put the syrup down and look around accusingly while saying, “Who pooted?”

               The entire table bust out laughing and looked to see if anyone would own up to it. Slowly, Mr. Miller raised his hand, and everyone scooted away from him, even his wife. “Hey!” he said, putting his hands up. “Everyone does it!”

               “Yes dear,” his wife replied, “but not at the table.”

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