{2} Leeyum and Jules

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I sat on my new bed, staring out of the window, summing up my four days here spent in Pine Grove with one word.


And it was weird everyone had this policy about being in the house before ten, and indeed everyone was in the house. It wasn't just a curfew for children my age. Which was sixteen.

Everyone was in the house. Not a soul on the side of the roads.

That's weird.

New York was buzzing every hour and every day no matter if it was ten at night or six in the morning.

But this was a quiet town.

I shook my head, turning on the lamp sitting on my wooden night table next to my bed.

I was searching for my phone to see if anyone from back home wanted to contact me. Or at least to see if I was still breathing in the air.

But there were none today. The only one I had I opened from my friend Valerie a couple of days ago.

I sighed, looking out of the window, all I could see was that fucking tree branch scratching against my window and every aspect of the tree.

What a reason to be depressed. Your view from your window is a tree.

But I still continued to stare, looking at a now familiar pair of menacing blue eyes.

I jumped back, chills creeping down my spine as I looked at Niall sitting on the tree, comfortably biting his nails.

My head turned back to my bed, my navy blue sheets wrapped around my phone as I frantically pulled it out.


It was 2 in the morning and he was camping outside of my window. How did he even know where I lived?

Niall didn't seem to notice me looking back at him but he kept biting his nails, anticipating something I could not see.

Is this what the ten o'clock curfew is about? A boy with blonde hair sitting in people's trees. Because If that was the case I'm sure I would be alright.

Niall still sat in the tree, even pulling out a bottle of water to guzzle and I didn't really want to freak out. I just closed the black curtains and slid down under my plush blanket.

This boy I see may possibly drive me insane.

Let's face it I did freak out.

And I hopped out of my bed, running to Jules room which was about two doors down from my bedroom.

He was fast asleep, half of his body hanging off of his twin sized bed but I shook him awake anyway.

"Jules. Jules. JULIAN" I shook him and his hazel eyes fluttered open.

"What what what" He got up rubbing his eyes.

"There's a boy sitting in that tree" I said as Jules eyes focused.

He didn't hesitate to follow me back to my room and when we walked up to the window, Niall was gone.

You have to be kidding me.

"Charlie, it's okay if you have night terrors. We moved to a new place. You have like zero friends-"

"Aren't you my friend?" I asked as Jules looked at me briefly before his eyes looked back out of the window.

"You have zero friends" Jules repeated again before I playfully pushed him. "Well just try to get some rest alright. Julian is a few doors away if the monster comes back"

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