{21} Yeah

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I haven't updated in such a long time. :))

"How do you even know? And when did you get here? I've been here forever"

Niall appears confused as he picks up my right hand and shoves it in my face. It was actually my hand- well the beginning of it. In the middle it was still my father's hand. His flesh was tearing off of me.

"What's happening?"

"You're shifting back. And the answer to your question is-"

Niall was cut off by the screams again as he shoves me to the ground. It was nearly pitch black out here but it wasn't hard seeing where he was which was right beside me.

"Where have you been?" I ask in a whisper as Niall takes his time to respond.

It was no doubt hard to see and that eye thing I still haven't mastered but I squinted my eyes as hard as possible, realizing that something had happened to him.

His pale skin had been covered in purplish blotches that nearly throbbed if I stared too long. His nose scrunched up every two seconds and his eyes twitched as he tried to conceal some obvious pain.

But then there was me.

I began to feel my body began to unravel back into my own.

Niall put his hand over my mouth as he watched me try to hold back from screaming but it was no use and my screams escaped through my teeth, muffled into his palm.

This instead felt as if I was dying because tears began to roll down my cheeks.

I couldn't help but think that this wasn't normal.

"Hey you guys alright?" I heard a familiar raspy voice as I lifted my head up slowly.

"Harry pick her up please"

Anything after that was faintly experienced.

I was totally out of it.

"I can walk" I say smacking Harry's forearms as he continues to make sure my feet do not touch the ground. "Who is that even screaming?"

"It's your mother" Harry says as I look up at his chin with hopes of actually seeing his face. "She probably has found your father wearing your prisoner attire"

It was very weird, well not really, but Harry and Harry only begins to laugh at his own joke as Niall and I exchange a glance as we all shuffle through the darkness.

"What are we going to do?" I ask wishing that there was end to this.

"Well I have a plan" Niall says as I reach out to grab his arm and he turns around. Clearly he's in a fair amount of pain but he winces only for a second before we stop at a car that is on the side of the road.

"Charlie, trust me, we're just going to have to do things a different way"

The car, actually a pick up truck, is driven wildly as my mother hasn't sent out her own personal search party for us yet and I stay in the middle between Niall, who is concentrated heavily on God knows what and Harry who is moving some rings on his fingers and giggling at absolutely nothing.

"Tell me your plan" I speak up, making the silence disappear as Niall grunts and Harry's giggling ceases.

"Alright, so little lady, your mother is seriously evil. And I believe the only way we can fight her is by using the people who know her best- her pack. We will go find her pack and convince them about what's going on. If she continues this, she will begin to cause another war here, more werewolves will awaken and us shape shifters will effectively be extinct"

I nod taking in all of the information before Niall grabs my hand.

"This will work okay?"

"Alright I sure hope so. A year ago I was in New York trying to decide if I wanted to go to the beach or go to school. And now I'm here, risking my life, yours and everyone else's. I found new family members and now I'm in my own pack. If anyone had told me this I would ask what cheesy book is this they are describing to me because this can't be my life. Ever."

"Well it is"

I look over at Harry who is shrugging in his long sleeve tight black shirt before his pink lips curl into a smile.

"I guess it is. Niall your plan better work-"

"It will"

I stay quiet for the rest of the trip as we arrive back to the town, finding Liam and Louis fighting over nonsense and then we find my brother, Jules wondering around and then Niall drives to my extended family's house.

I continue my vow of silence as he begins to explain extensively how this is a great plan. They are as skeptical as I am, all of them finding severe loopholes in his plans but they give in and begin to pack their bags.

"Everything is going to work out Charlie"

I stare at the blank television, listening to everyone shuffle about and it never his me how real this is. I can die. Niall can die. My father probably is dead already.

And I won't be able to go to school in the fall.

I was so close.

"Here you are" Harry hands me a glass of water, standing there before I take a small sip of it then bouncing away to find someone else to parent.

Jumping, I turn around to see Niall's hands on my shoulders. His blonde hair is an absolute mess but he doesn't seem to care as he leans down and begins reassuring me again that everything will be fine.

I trust him completely. I trust his plan. I trust him. I'm worried for the outcome.

I have to kill my mother.

I have to convince others to kill her.

And I have to return back to a normal person in society.

I'm worried for the new state of mind that I will be in after all of this.

How do I deal with that?

"Come on Charlie let's go"

I'll probably won't be continuing this story. Or I'll make a second part to it maybe. Idk I guess you guys can tell me why you think about a second part :)

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