Chapter One

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"Mom! We're gonna be late! The show starts at 8!" All I wanted was to see a dolphin show. Of course my mom is taking her sweet old time. We are going to end up with the worst seats. At least my dad is ready to go. 
"Zoey where are my shoes?" My mom asks walking out of the bathroom.
"Over by the door. Now lets get going." We finally make it out the door and to the show. Surprisingly not many people like watching dolphins at 8 in the morning. Who knew? After the fantastic show in which I got sprayed by a gorgeous little dolphin, we decided to go for a walk through the town. Us being on vacation and all, we might as well sightsee a bit. Especially since we don't get much family time. I catch a glimpse of my light brown hair and golden skin in a shop window. Grateful that I managed to tan some before our trip. Hopefully I'll get an even better one while we're here. We see a sign advertising free pottery classes and decide to go in. Inside is a guy in his mid twenties, leanly built, with broad shoulders and dirty blonde hair that goes just beyond his collar. He's pretty cute. Not exactly my type. He looks like one of those kids that sits in the back of the classroom with his earbuds in blasting his music and ignoring the world. Based on the fact he has clay all over him I assume he's the one leading the classes. 
"Hi I'm Lucas, are you guys here for the free class?" He asks with a smile.
"Yep! I'm happy I got them to agree." I respond happily. My mom doesn't like getting messy and my dad doesn't really either. 
"Cool. Well come this way and I'll get you guys set up. You'll each be at your own wheel unless you want to make one together."
"Separate is okay." I respond when no one else says anything. He leads us to the wheels and gives each of us a clump of clay. Starting with my dad, then my mom, and at last, me. Of course I already know how to use it and make a bowl or cup or vase or something. And I tell him that.
"Wow. Not very many people know how to use them. And you don't really look like the type that likes getting messy."
"Oh, you'd be surprised. I sit in my room or outside constantly making things. Out of anything. I probably like painting the most. Of course I tend to get bored and end up painting myself." I explain. 
"Like pictures of yourself?"
"No...I tend to paint on myself..."
"That's cute." He laughs. I just blush and continue on with my pottery making. I've decided to make a cup. When I finish I wait for my parents and we all put our things in the kiln just long enough for them to dry. After that we paint them. I gave mine a swirly tribal pattern. My mom made a bowl with flowers on it. And my dad made a...well who knows what it is. But he's painting it various colors. We stick them back in the oven and Lucas asks if we want to see some of the stuff he has in the back. We all agree to see it and follow him into the back area where people can order pottery. That's when things go horribly wrong. First we're walking, and then we aren't.  Everything went black for me.

~Sorry this so awkwardly short. And awkward in general. Anyway, thanks for reading!!~

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