Sorry for stealing your heart

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Chapter 1

I skated into Creekstine High Schools parking lot just as the bell rang, signalling that the day had begun. All the cars that were parked were all shiny expensive brands. There were Mercedes, Ford wheel drives, cars with no roof tops and the classic Ferrari.

Pfft! Rich kids.

All the students that were hanging outside of the schools buildings, were now all filed inside for roll call. Hurrying like there was no freakin tomorrow. I took my time coming to a stop at the edge of the footpath. Stepping off I flipped up the end of my skateboard and caught it with my hand that wasn't holding my iPod.

Carrying it under my arm I made my way towards the front doors. I took out my ear plugs and wrapped them tightly around my iPod so they wouldn't get all tangled like my last pair and brake.

I then had to go out and ............. Get a new pair.

It was an easy job that. I was helping my dad put up his sign for his he is running. Selling * found goodies* And *replicas of treasures*. Some girl walked in and her pocket had ear phones dangling out the side.

So........... On the bright side I got me a new pair of ear phones!

I stepped into the schools long hall way. Everyone was inside their classrooms now, doing boring school work.

I hate being the new girl.

And the annoying part is, is that me and my family don't stay long enough in one place for me to not be the new girl. At the moment we live in a huge mansion. Thanks to some signature forging and switching around some paperwork.

I love my life!

Walking into the schools office I saw the school secretary.

And let me tell you.............. It was NOT a pretty sight.

She was a sleep in her chair snoring. Her hair was a birds nest with pencils stuck out the top, mouth open with drool dribbling down the side. I leaned over the desk to get a closer look. Squinting my eyes and my mouth hanging open in disgust and awe of how someone could get bright red lipstick on their teeth!


I jumped back quickly almost knocking the bell off of her desk at the same time.

"Damn! You must be half donkey making a noise like that!" I whispered. Not wanting to wake IT from its sleep.

I leant back over the desk and saw a sheet of paper with my name on it.

"I guess that would be my schedule........" I muttered to myself. Snatching it off her desk.

"Thanks! I'll just leave this on your desk," I pulled out of my bag an apple and placed on the end of her desk.

She didn't move a muscle.

"Really?" I breathed.

"Not even a twitch," I sighed walking out of the secretary's office.

I looked at my schedule for the day and sighed when I saw gym.

Don't get me wrong I love gym. I'm actually very good at it. It's just I already did a lot of running last night. And let me tell you. It is not easy running away from a car going at full speed.

I looked at my *new* watch I scored last night and realised that roll call would still be on. I walked up a flight of stairs and turned down another long hall way. I came to the end and found the room I'm supposed to be in.

"We'll here goes nothing," I muttered. Opening the door I quietly stepped in. Adjusting my grey beanie that sat covering some of my wavy dark brown hair. I looked up at the teacher standing at the front of the classroom, pulling my black shades on top of my head. Revealing my brown speckled green eyes.

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