Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kat's POV

I watched in curiosity as the realisation of who I was settled onto Reef's Face. First his eyebrows crinkled, then his fore head, followed by his smirk faltering.

It was hilarious.

I smiled cheekily at him before saying, "I would love to stay and swap insults with you...... but I've got better things to do." I sucked in a breath between my teeth. "Sorry!" Turning away from him I faced my Dad. "Where would you like me to put my...... Gym stuff...... They need to be washed." I easily continued with the lie he had spun.

"Uh...... Well I also have washing to be done. So you can just chuck it into my washing basket and I'll put them in with my load tomorrow." I nodded my head in understanding before swivelling round on the balls of my feet and making my way up the staircase.

I didn't care if I was being rude. This bag was heavy! I swear all this jewellery weighs a ton!

Walking into my Dad's room I made my way into his walk in closet. Pulling out the washing basket I saw the big, black duffel bag that was behind it. I shrugged off my backpack and placed it on the floor beside the bag. Crouching down, I unzipped the bag and carefully pulled out each piece of jewellery one by one and placed them inside.

Once all of it was inside, I carefully zipped the bag back up and put it back behind the washing basket. Dad would take it to work with him tomorrow morning. As I made my way out of my Dad's room and into my own, a small smile slipped onto my face. The events from earlier on played through my mind.

I cant believe I just completed my first solo heist!

And it was a success!

With a little skip added to my step, I chucked my now empty bag onto my bed and stepped into my bathroom. Closing the door behind me I turned the lights on and started to strip out of my dirty clothes and sweaty suite that was hidden underneath.

Going into the shower I turned the water onto full blast of hot water. As it washed away all the sweat and grime I let out a content sigh. My burning muscles ached after the hell I had just put them through.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a purple unicorn.

Wouldn't that just be awesome! I mean you get to be a purple coloured horse. You could run forever and not have to worry about anything. Plus you get to have a horn!

Unicorns are such horny horses.

Haha! Horny.................

Wow! I'm strange.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped myself up in the blue, fluffy towel that was hanging on the rack beside the sink. I grabbed a brush from under the sink and tugged it through The dark strands of my hair. As I got to the last bit the teeth of the brush got snagged in my hair.

"Oh great!" I muttered as I started to wrestle with the knot.

"Come on....... you son of a monkey!" Great. Way to go Kat. Start talking to the knot. Then maybe it will let the brush go.

I mentally face palmed myself as I continued my little wrestling match.

And let me tell you....... I was NOT winning.

Stupid hair!

I gave the brush one final tug. Just as it released my hair my slippery wet feet slipped out from under me. I fell with hard thump!

"Ow......" I slowly stood back up. careful not to slip again. I grabbed the edge of the sink to help me and peered into the mirror.

"Great." I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

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