Chapter 15

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Kat's POV

I think I sat there for about ten minutes, just staring at the t.v. I couldn't manage to do anything else. All my limbs seemed to be frozen. The only thing I was able to do was sit there and stare. My heart was racing inside my chest, fear filled every fibre of my body.

It's not possible.

She's back.

She should be locked up. How did she escape?

- Flashback 7 Years Ago -

Hale and Joel were by my side, each holding one of my tiny hands. Dad was pushing the wheelchair I was sitting in. A thick white, bandage wrapped tightly across my chest, covering the gaping hole that was left there.

Lights flickered as we went down the corridors. Pain was the only thing I felt, and betrayal.

Turning the corner I now faced a closed door. "Daddy?" I looked up at him. "What are we doing here?" I asked. My voice sounded scared and innocent as it trembled.

He looked down at me, a single tear ran down his face. Instead of answering me, he opened the door.

My mother, sat on the stone, floor of her cell. There was no expression on her face. It was as if no one was home inside. Just an empty body.

Her arms were restricted with a straight jacket. "Eva?" My Dad whispered, capturing her attention. Her eyes latched onto Dad love in her gaze, "Leo? You came for me."

Swallowing, I watched as my Dad did the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Deny the woman he loves. "No. I didn't come for you. I came to find out where Marley is. What did you do to her?"

Looking down she stared unblinkingly, at the ground. "I told her. She knows what to do. She'll come for me, and when she does..... I'm coming for you." Whipping her head up to look at me, hatred filled her eyes.

This wasn't my mother, this was a stone cold murderer. She wasn't telling me this, it was a promise.

Screaming at me, she sprinted for me. "You took everything from me! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" .

Tears streaming down my face I screamed for help. Dragging me out of there my Dad, slammed the door to the Asylum.

- End of Flashback -

My Mums Psychotic. We never really found out what ticked her off into the need to murder stage but....Whatever it is..... I must have pissed her off pretty bad.

As for Marley........ Well we didn't find out where she is but we found out what she does.

It wasn't until I was ten and she was fifteen until we kind of found her.

Yea.... turns out she's a serial killer. Cops have been trying to find her for years. She's never tried to contact us or see us ever since the night I was shot. That was also the night she disappeared from our lives.

After all that has happened with Marley and Mum our family decided to change our names. We went from being the Santos to the Smyth's.

And I had a bad feeling that mum's *promise* , was coming true.

My Dad tried looking for Marley once, but it didn't turn out too well.... he found her and tried to get her to turn herself in but instead she decided that she was going to kill him.

And almost succeeded.

That was when I was twelve. After her hit and miss, Dad stopped trying to find her.

Shaking my head I focused on the screen. Hitting the rewind button, I didn't stop until the picture of crime scene reappeared. Pausing the t.v, I scanned every detail. Marley wasn't the main suspect because her signature wasn't there.

When Marley killed, everyone knew that she was the one who did it. No doubt about it. Marley's signature was massacring her victims to death with a butchers knife. The same butchers knife that's missing from our kitchen.

But I knew, deep down in my gut that Marley had something to do with this girls death.

She may not have been the one to kill her, but she was there. I knew it.

'She'll come for me, and when she does...... I'm coming for you.'

Mum's promise rang through my ears. Forcing myself I looked at the blood left splattered in the ally way.

'The victim was shot right through the middle of her chest.'

She was coming for me.

Panic filled me as I remembered the pain from the bullet that had ripped through my chest.

This was no ordinary murder.

She was sending me a message.

Snapping out of my daze, I sprinted around the house , locking all the windows and doors. I was home alone. Dad had gone out on a business dinner, settling a deal while Hale and Joel were out clubbing.

Running into the kitchen I grabbed the phone. Dialling my Dad's number, I waited as it rung.

Pick up, pick up, pick up!


I sighed in relief at the sound of his voice. "Dad?!"

Hearing the panic in my voice he asked, "What's wrong? Wait, doesn't matter. I'm coming home now! Where's your brothers?"

"Out clubbing."

"Never mind. Just hold on. I'll be there in a sec."

"Ok." Hanging up I put the phone back on the rung. My legs trembled, crashing onto the kitchen stool I looked down at my hands. The were shaking uncontrollably.

I know why he didn't ask questions. It's because I never panic. And I'm not easily scared.

True to his words he arrived home about two minutes later. When he walked into the kitchen, he took one look at my face before he wrapped his arms around me, tightly. "She's coming for me," I whispered , as tears slid down my face.

"What do you mean?"

"She promised and when she promises something. She keeps it."

Pulling back a bit so he could look at me, he said, "Your not making any sense."

Taking a deep breath, it was time to tell him.


Starting with the photo.


Authors note:

Sorry its a bit short!

Ooh! Now you know about Kat's Mum and her older sister Marley!!!!

Anywho hoped you enjoyed!

I promise that the next chapter will be more happy and funny. And guess whos coming back???? Yep! There wil b more Reef, Kyle, Chris, Lola, Tash and..... CYNTHIA!!

Let the Pranks, Bitchiness and..... Romance.... BEGIN!!!

Please COMMENT and VOTE!!

C ya Next time!

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