Chapter 30

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Authors note:



Just saying.......

PLEASE don't fret though! there will b a sequel. All news and info on the sequel will be posted after the Epilogue.

I hope u guys have enjoyed reading this book just as much as i have enjoyed writing it! And I wish that u will continue to read my books and join Kat and Reef in the sequel!!!

So.... without further adue.......


Chapter 30

Kat's POV

The first day was an emotional wreck. For what felt like days but was only a couple of hours, I cried. Heartbraking, bone shaking, soul shattering, sobs.

For each tear that dropped, I howled in pain. Wishing..... hoping, that somehow, someone would hear my pleas for help, but instead, my voice rebounded off the stone walls to scream back at me.

The first day was torture.

Or so I thought.....

The second day, Eva had arrived with two of her men. I was scared and fought. Any possessions that I had, were taken from me, and my clothes were torn from my body. Relief had flooded my veins when Eva had ordered them not to touch me, and instead left after she had chucked me a flimsy pair of white cotton pants and top.

Soon came the anger.

So much fury had filled my body and I had no way of letting it out. It had gotten to the stage that I didn't think. Just did. My fists had pounded the stone walls like it was just your average punching bag.

I had bloodied and broken three knuckles that day.

The third day, I was still hyped up on anger. For twenty-four hours, I shouted profanties at the locked, steel, door. I cursed in every language I know. I screamed until my voice had gone and my throat was dry.

The fourth day was when the hunger settled in. I had clawed at my stomach until eventually, my nails had peirced my skin.

On the third day was thirst. I had become so delirious, and my body weak, and fragile. Everytime I closed my eyes, I would have nightmares and when I would awake, strong hallucinations plagued my mind, distorting reality. It was until two days later and on the brink of death, did Eva make another visit. A tray of food and a pitcher of water was placed in front of my twitching body.

I thought after that, that maybe they would leave me alone.

I was wrong.

They had nursed me back to health until I was back at full strength. Little did I know, that was exactly what they wanted.

When it came to the eigth day....... That.... was when the real torture began.


I lay a sleep on the cold steel slab, that acted as my bed. My eyes crusted from tears and lack of sleep, for the nightmares still haunt me even in my woken state. My shoulders shook as I released a shaky breath.

No more.

I need to get out of here.

I need to escape.

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