Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Kat's POV

When I first woke up, I thought I was dreaming. I mean would you really believe that YOU were tied to your bed?

I just thought I was having some weird, kinky dream.

I was hoping it involved Channing Tatom, but sadly.... I was wrong.

When I woke up for the second time however. I finally convinced myself that it was happening.

Fully awake and alert now, I tried to wiggle my arms and legs. It didn't even budge.

I was gonna kill Cynthia.

Now you may think I'm jumping to conlusions thinking it was Cynthia. But trust me. My sixth sense was telling me it was her.

And not just because there was a note taped to the end of my bed, perfectly placed for me to read it saying, 'Kat. Mess with me again and i'll do a whole lot worse. Cynthia.'

Aw! She even dotted her 'i' with a heart.

That just shows how much she loves me.

Sighing, I took a calming deep breath in.


That made me feel better.

And for that girls sake. She better run and hide.


Fortunately for me, I have been in a smiliar situation before. Except under a lot more pressure and a completely different circumstance.

Unfortunately though It's a painful process. Unless..... "TASH, LOLA WAKE UP!"

I heard two yelps and thuds. Oops! I guess I woke them up. But the thing I really don't understand... is that I shouted before and they didn't wake up then.


"What? What's going on?" Tash's groggy voice sounded.

"What happened? What happened is that Cynthia the evil pelican, tied me to my bed and I can't untie myself," I gritted my teeth.

"Oh." Was all she said in reply.

I guess she didn't really expect such a complex answer. I watched as they both zombie walked, still half a sleep, towards me.

"Kat? I really don't undertand what's......" Lola trailed off as her eyes widened at my predicament.

Running a hand through her hair she stared, now fully awake.

"I'll go get some scissors," Tash said, running off into the bathroom.

"She really did this?" Lola whispered in shock.

Nodding my head I indicated the message taped at the end of my bed.

"Don't worry we'll get you out of here in no time." Tash came running back into the room with two pairs of scissors. She handed a pair to Lola and commanded that she work on my feet while she did my hands.

When I was finally cut free I thanked them. Rubbing my wrists I promised revenge.

Cynthia had no idea who she was messing with.

Standing up I went into the bathroom and got changed. Wasn't making the mistake of changing in front of the window EVER again.

When I came out, I was dressed in ripped denim shorts, a purple singlet, a pair of my favourite pink converse and my signature sag beanie. Todays beanie was black.

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