Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Kat's POV

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick," came Chris's deep voice.

"Oh yea? Well, choke it down! We have to find Kat! Any ideas on where she could be?" Followed Tash.

Penguin shit.

There back.

Quickly, I snapped the hidden compartment back into place and chucked my bag back underneath the bed.

Uh? Now what? I know! I need an excuse on why they couldn't find me. Searching the room, I spotted the one thing that could convince them. Sprinting across the room, I dived for the water bottle that was sitting on the table. I didn't even think, as I squirted the water on my face and under my armpits.

Great. Now I look like someone who sweats WAY too much for it to be classified as healthy.

Oh well. It will have to do.

Now....  Time to put on a performance.

Lights. Camera. Action!

The cabin's door flung open and smacked itself against the wooden wall. Pretending to be out of breath, I did small, quick pants and guzzled down as much water as I possibly could from the bottle. All the guys, Kyle, Chris, Lola, Tash and Reef, argued in the doorway.

Aww..... There all so adorable.

They really care.....

Stop! I can't think about that sought of stuff. Especially when I'm deceiving them all. They would all hate me if they ever found out.

Breathing hard, I panted, "Hey guys! What's up?"

Instantly, all conversation came to a halt. Turning around, they faced me. Their jaws dropped. I struggled to keep in my laughter at the sight. Their eyes wide in disbelief.

"Kat?" Lola broke the silence.

I gave them a confused look, "The one and only. Why are you all looking at me like that? Its creepy. Stop it. "

"But your..... Dead," Kyle said.

I took another sip of water before answering, "Am I standing in front of you?"


"Am I talking?"


"Am I breathing?"


I smiled, "Good. Then I'm alive."

Kyle swung his arms out to the side, "It's a MIRACLE!" Rushing forward, he scooped me up into a massive hug. I hid my wince of pain, as he crushed me to his chest. "Somebody brought you back to life!"

"Kyle... Can't... Breathe!" I choked out.

I sighed in relief as he released me from his death grip. "Oops! Sorry honey bunny!" He pinched my cheek. My bruised one. I bit my lip, to keep my scream inside.

Rubbing my cheek, I asked, "Honey bunny? What's up with..."

I didn't get to finish, as I was crushed into another hug. "Kat!" Lola and Tash squealed. If they didn't release me soon, I was gonna be squealing too. But not for the same reasons. "Where were you?!" Tash slapped my arm.

"Ouchie...." I mumbled. "What do you mean? 'Where were you,' I went for my morning run."

They both stood there in shock, "B- b- but..." They stumbled over there words.

"So the blood wasn't yours?" Chris asked.

I inwardly winced. I could just imagine the scene they witnessed. I wish I had more time to clean it up. "No. Of course not," I denied. "Wait..." I gave a pretend look of confusion and panic, "What blood?"

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