Chapter 3

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Authors Note:

Hi! This chapter is done in the bad boy Reef's POV but just a warning that it goes back a bit before the cafeteria scene.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3

Reef's POV

The wind whipped past me as I sped down the road. The hot blonde girl sitting behind me on my motorbike shattering my ear drums with her shrill screams. I can't wait to drop this girl off at her apartment. She is starting to get on my nerves.

What was her name again?

Mandy? Mindy?

Oh who cares!

She was only a one night stand. So what if I don't remember her name. It's not like I remember yesterday's girls name either. Or the girl before that. And any of the other girls from the nights before.

I sighed in relief when I pulled up the girls drive way. Taking off my helmet I got off my bike as quickly as I could without seeming to be in to much of a hurry. The girl stood up with a bit of a stumble almost scratching my baby with one of her bracelet covered wrists.

She better not have hurt my baby!

I grumbled a bit as I wrapped my hands around her waist. Lifting her off my bike so she wouldn't damage it.

As soon as I Placed her down on her feet she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a sloppy kiss right on the mouth.

Eghhhh! Why did I even pick this girl up in the first place.

She has no idea what she's doing with her kisses.

Definitely needs work.

Serious work!

Lightly pushing her away I turned her around so she was facing her house. She started walking to her door as I hopped onto my bike.

Just as I was about to put my helmet on Blondie turned around asking, "Call me?"

I just smiled at her and winked whispering under my breath, "Not likely."

Pulling down my helmet I revved up the engine and called out to her, "See ya round Minie!"

Her jaw fell open as she screamed in her shrill voice, "MY NAMES SANDY!"

Oops! So close.

I swear her name started with an 'M' though.

Before this girl could scream at me more I sped back the way I had just come. I knew I was late for school. I always was. After all I was the schools Bad Boy. I slowed down to a stop at a red light. I did not need a fine at the moment.

That would only give my dad a good excuse for me to got to military school.

And I was definitely not going to end up there if I could do anything about it.

Waiting for the light turn green I turned my head looking at the shops lined up along the side walk. My eyes landed on the old newsagent shop. It contained everything that you wanted to know about what was going on around town or in other countries.

At the moment everyone was going on about what was happening in other places around the world. It was quite amazing actually.

Lots of famous things were being stolen and the only clue that the cops have is the name of the thieves that did it.

Black Shadows.

I know not very inventive. But it does fit the only evidence of who did it. The only thing they have caught on camera of the thieves is of four black shadowy figures running away with large black sacks over their shoulders.

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