Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Kat's POV

I sighed in relief, letting the stress out from my shoulders as I dropped my bags onto the familiar floors of my house.

I hate camp.

Never making the mistake to go on one of those things again! If I even see another sign up sheet for another camp, someone's gonna end up with paper all up in their nostrils. Or if I'm feeling creative, in some other places that are just as uncomfortable.

Trudging my way over to the lounge room, I jumped onto the sofa and let my more bothering thoughts fill my head.

                                                                -Flashback 2 days ago -

Fear gripped my gut with freezing cold fingers. This was it. I was going to die. Only one of us was making it out of this cabin.

Alive that is.

I slid my feet into a strong fighting stance. I wasn't going down without a fight. So, whatever plan this guy had going through his head, he could shove it up his butt.

He held his hands out, "Whoa. Kat? Just calm down."

I growled out my anger as I launched myself at him. It wasn't a smart move. I don't know how he did it. But he did. I was somehow on the floor.

That damn bitch flipped me!

Oh no he didn't.

Rolling back onto my hands, I went into a handstand, pushing up, I flipped backwards and wrapped my legs around his neck so we were face to face. Shock was written there before I wiped it off. I double cross punched him before bending back until my hands touched the ground, keeping my hold on him with my legs. Flinging my legs forward, I released him and he went crashing into the other side of the cabin.

I jumped straight back onto my feet ready for his attack. Growing frustrated with me, he ran towards me.

That was his second mistake.

The first was locking me in this cabin.

Just as he was about to tackle me, I ducked and slid under him. I watched in awe as he soared above my head and smashed into the other wall. Taking advantage of his dizziness, I ran for the door. I fumbled with the bolt on the lock, tears of frustration leaking out. I wiped them away angrily.

Stupid lock!

I almost smiled when I heard the click, but any chances of escape were dashed when large muscular arms wrapped around me. I screamed, "LET ME GO!"

I elbowed him but to no use. "Stop.... Fighting me!" He breathed.

My vision blurred as I was pinned to the floor, Caleb straddling my waist. "No! Stop!"

He battered my hands away, "No. YOU stop!" He growled. I gave a pathetic cry of pain as he pinned my arms above my head. After that it seemed that the tears kept on coming. "Shh...... It's ok. Everything's going to be ok." He smoothed my hair.

"S-s-stop!" I hated myself for stuttering.

To be honest. I was scared for my life for the first time. And I don't like the feeling. Caleb looked into my eyes, the pitch blackness of them seemed to never end. His white blond hair tickled my forehead. "Your ok. I've been watching you for a long time."


"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just trying to warn  you," He tried to assure me.

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