Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Trying to forget about earlier on, I quickly changed into my gym gear. Which consisted of black shorts and a tight black singlet.

I swear the person who designed this was a pervert.

It's weird. We don't have a school uniform but we have a uniform for gym class. Weird right?

Switching my shoes for bright red runners, which were a total contrast to all the black, I made my way out of the girls change rooms and downstairs into the gym. Crossing my arms over my chest I tried to cover myself as much as I could.

My high ponytail swung back and forth as I went and stood next to Lola.

It was kind of weird wearing my hair in a ponytail without letting my fringe hide one half of my face. The only other time I wear my hair like that, is when I'm going on a heist. If I wore my hair like that now, people would start to realise that I'm part of the black shadows.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked her.

"Good! Hey! Did you hear about what happened?"

"Umm.... No? What happened?"

"The Gem Gallery was robbed last night and it's almost impossible to break into."

"Oh.... That's terrible, " I said faking concern. "Do the cops know who did it?"

"Nope. But there on the lookout. They actually have a picture if who it was!" Lola gushed.

"What?!" I panicked. I immediately started looking for any sign of cops busting in to come and arrest me. How did I not see the camera?!

"Here have a look. She's been the front page of newspapers everywhere." She showed me her phone with a picture I was not expecting.

It was definitely me, that's for sure. I was dressed in my tight black suite and mask. I was crouched down on all fours, looking straight at the camera! My dark brown fringe shielded my right eye, my black mask looked exactly like a cat, as the ears pricked up. My black suite shone so it looked cool and sleek, my ponytail hung over my left shoulder.

But the one thing that captured my attention were my eyes.

They seemed to glow an eery yellow green and my pupils were a mirror image of long black slits.

I looked cool and dangerous.

The funny thing is, is that I don't think I would have known it was me if I hadn't actually stole from the Gem Gallery.

"But do they actually know who's behind the mask?" I asked as seriously as I could, without seeming suspicious.

"Honestly they have no idea." She said looking at me.

"Oh and get this, they gave her a name. Just like a superhero! Except she's a thief. In a way she kind of reminds me of cat woman from batman. "

Shocked that they would give me a name I asked, "What did they decide to call her?"

She looked into my eyes right then and there before uttering one word, "Minx."

Confused I asked, " Minx?"

Nodding Lola repeated, "Minx."

Looking away from her I really tried to digest the name. "Minx....... MinX...... MINx" I said in Different tones.

"Nup! Not feelin it. Why did they decide to call her that?! I mean there are way cooler names. And if I'm correct the meaning of Minx is a flirtatious girl. She," I said pointing to her phone screen where the picture of me showed. "Doesn't look flirtatious!"

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