"I'm not running for Vice-President; I'm running for President!", bellowed JFK. He was irate; he was very irate. He, and the other candidates for the November 8, 1960 Presidential Election, would be a huge turnout for votes, (and TV debates).
He had had enough trash talking from US President Dwight D. Eisenhower; he had enough. The brutal truth was that JFK knew that, given the facts before him, he was a Roman Catholic; he wasn't Protestant. His Irish blood coursed through him in anger. He, and The Kennedy's were immigrants; The Kennedy's weren't true Americans in some peoples' eyes. They were "Non-Americans". But, because of the potato famine in Ireland in the 19th century, the early Kennedys left Ireland and travelled to America so that they could have a better life.
And, as the poiliticians made their plays for The Presidency, some would succeed; some would fall; and some would disappear altogether from the American political landscape.
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The JFK Files: A non-fiction book by Robert Helliger
Non-FictionThe true story of the 1963 assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. An account of the life and death of one of the most popular politicians our the 20th century by Robert Helliger. Rated PG-13 for some violence, sex references, some coarse lan...