~~~Quote : "Let justice be done though the heavens fall", Jim Garrison, (Kevin Costner), Oliver Stone's "JFK" 1991.
Walter Cronkite was grabbing his black colored glasses in his right hand. He sat on his news chair. Life as he knew it would change in America.
He took a long breath...And spoke.
"Here is a bulletin from CBS News...In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas. The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting...", he told the shocked TV audience..."More details just arrived...These details about the same as previously. President Kennedy shot today just as his motorcade left downtown Dallas. Mrs. Kennedy jumped up and grabbed Mr. Kennedy, she called "Oh no!," the motorcade sped on. United Press [International] says that the wounds for President Kennedy perhaps could be fatal. Repeating, a bulletin from CBS News: President Kennedy has been shot by a would-be assassin in Dallas, Texas. Stay tuned to CBS News for further details", Walter Cronkite said in a solemn voice; a CBS News staffer added:
"And John Connally too".
And then:
"Here is a bulletin from CBS News...Further details on an assassination attempt against President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy was shot as he drove from Dallas Airport to downtown Dallas. Governor Connally of Texas...in the car with him...was also shot. It is reported that three bullets rang out. A Secret Service man has been...was heard to shout from the car, 'He's dead.' Whether he referred to President Kennedy or not is not yet known...The President...cradled in the arms of his wife Mrs. Kennedy...was carried to an ambulance and the car rushed to Parkland Hospital outside Dallas. The President was taken to an emergency room in the hospital....Other White House officials were in doubt in the corridors of the hospital as to the condition of President Kennedy...Repeating this bulletin...President Kennedy shot while driving in an open car from the airport in Dallas, Texas, to downtown Dallas...".
And more news:
"Here is a bulletin from CBS News. President Kennedy has been the victim of an assassin's bullet in Dallas, Texas... It is not known as yet whether the President survived the attack against him", Walter Cronkite added. And then:
"This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom...There has been an attempt...as perhaps you know now...on the life of President Kennedy. He was wounded in an automobile driving from Dallas Airport into downtown Dallas, along with Governor Connally of Texas...They have been taken to Parkland Hospital there...where their condition is as yet unknown. We have not been told of their condition at Dallas..In a downtown hotel room...a group, [a Dallas Trade Mart meeting], had been gathered to hear President Kennedy and was awaiting his arrival. Let's switch down there now where Eddie Barker of KRLD is on the air", Walter Cronkite added dramatically; then he 'cuts' to Eddie Barker...
...And, finally, and most disturbingly...
...With Dan Rather, (Daniel Irvin "Dan" Rather, Jr.,), (October 31, 1931-); KRLD's Jim Underwood, attempted to "confirm the President's death", one of the doctor's said: "Would normally be a good one"; the doctor confirmed the death of US President John F(itzgerald) Kennedy several minutes' later. The time was 2:22 EST...Dan Rather talked to Executive Mort Dank was quoted as saying: "I think he's dead".
And, then Walter Cronkite, his face drained of color, spoke...
"We just have a report from our correspondent Dan Rather in Dallas...that he has confirmed President Kennedy is dead", as he finished the harrowing news.
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The JFK Files: A non-fiction book by Robert Helliger
Non-FictionThe true story of the 1963 assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. An account of the life and death of one of the most popular politicians our the 20th century by Robert Helliger. Rated PG-13 for some violence, sex references, some coarse lan...