Chapter Fifty-Two-Jim Garrison (II); November 22, 1963

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Quote: "It would certainly be interesting to know what the CIA knew about Oswald six weeks before the assassination. But the contents of this particular message never reached the Warren Commission, and remain a complete mystery", US District Attorney, author, actor Jim Garrison, (November 20, 1921-October 21, 1992), unquote~~~


New Orleans, Louisana Assistant District Jim Garrison cracked down on prostitution and gambling. This was because The Mob, known as "The Outfit", rules Chicago and Vegas.

      Since  Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone, (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947), controlled "The Mob" in the late 1920 and 1930's, organised crime was the biggest headache for US President Roosevelt. Capone used his infamous violence to rule everything. Prohibition caused America to collapse. The genesis of that collapse was the 1929 "Wall Street" disaster.

     And then the President used Eliot Ness, (April 19, 1903 – May 16, 1957), to quote, "Take Capone down", unquote. And, with "The Untouchables", Ness arrested Capone for "Income tax evasion". And Capone, (who famously beat his enemies up with baseball bats), went to jail for a long time. Ness wasn't scared of Capone. *Actor, director, producer Kevin Costner played "Eliot Ness" in the Brian (Russell) de Palma, (September 11, 1940-), 1987  Academy Award winning bio movie; Actor, director, and producer, Robert De Niro, (August 17, 1943-), played "Al Capone", written by playwright, writer, director, essayist, David (Alan) Mamet, (November 30, 1947-)*.


Garrison, who beat Richard Dowling in 1959, cleaned up crime. And, during the early 1960's, used his clout to enforce the law in the Deep South, and to the Mid West.

      And, for him, his quest to get justice for the assassinated President JFK, was now his only priority.


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