Chapter Four-JFK and the candidates; 1960; (Part Four)

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Brown took down illegal bookies and bordellos. He did what was needed. He closed Sally Stanford, (May 5, 1903 – February 1, 1982), in 1949. Stanford was a born "Mabel Janice Busby" in Oregon. She headed to San Francisco. She dabbled in various careers. But being a "Madam" caused controversy. One of her 'clients' was  the late US Senator for Massachusetts, Edward "Ted" Kennedy, (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009); Joseph Lawrence Alioto, (February 12, 1916 – January 29, 1998), (the 36th Mayor of San Francisco, California, from 1968-76); and notorious US Attorney.

      **In "Book Two I'll write not only about the assassination of Robert Kennedy, but also the controversy over Senator Edward Kennedy's involvement in the death of White House Intern Mary Jo Kopechnie in 1969, (the other Intern scandal was US President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in 1995, twenty-six years later).**


The other 'client' was  Drew Frohlich, the new President of the California Jaycees. All of these famous people had their names drawn into the mud of the newspapers. According the the respected writer Herbert Eugene "Herb" Caen (April 3, 1916 – February 2, 1997), from 'The San Francisco Chronicle', grew up in Sacramento, mentioned the UN and Sally Sanford in one sentence: Quote: 'The United Nations was founded at Sally Stanford's whorehouse...because of the number of delegates to the organization's 1945 San Francisco founding conference who were Stanford customers...Many actual...if informal...negotiating sessions took place in the brothel's living room', unquote; Caen quipped, since he used humor to tell everyone about the scandal.


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