Chapter Forty-One-Dallas, Texas; November 22, 1963

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~~~Quote: "Things do not happen...things are made to happen", unquote, Assassinated US President John F(itzgerald) Kennedy, (May 29, 1917-November 22, 1963)~~~


The echoes of the Reverend Martin Luther King's "I have a dream", speech filled the year 1963 with hope.

     But, as the racial lines were drawn, US President John "Jack" F(itzgerald) Kennedy knew that, by Christmas time, he couldn't've known that his life would be over at only 46 years of age.


The Kennedy Assassination

I have over 40 chapters gave the reader a "overview" of the past. And, in this last section, we shall go through all of the controversy in the JFK case.


US President JFK, his wife Jacqueline Kennedy, and Texas Governor and Secretary to the Tresuary, John Bowden Connally, Jr. (February 27, 1917 – June 15, 1993), his wife, Idanell Brill "Nellie" Connally (February 24, 1919 – September 1, 2006), a Austin, Texas native, and "First Lady", (1963-9), and Lyndon B(aines) Johnson, (the Vice President), were all seated, as they headed down Dealey Plaza.


Named after George Bannerman Dealey, (1859–1946), (a Texas businessman), it was one of the main US landmarks that, for all its scenic wonder, was by November 22, 1963, the scene of "The Political Crime of the mid to late 20th century".


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