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Hey guys! Hope you're all enjoying the book so far. Sorry if I can't update everyday. I have major exams right now. But I will update at least once every week.
I gasped in shock at the smirks on Kelly an Amelia's faces. Jonathan and Daniel were both groaning at the crippling  pain. I looked at Alice and Alicia. Their faces were scrunched up and Alice was biting her lip while Alicia was crushing her mouth into her fist. I stifled a laugh as I saw their reactions. We caught each others' eyes and it was all over.
We fell to the ground laughing like crazy. It was Kelly and Amelia joined in laughter and helped us up. Bryce came over, laughing too, and put his arm around me. By now, the whole room was laughing like crazy at Jonathan and Daniel. Oh well, they deserved it. We sashayed over to a vacant table and sat down. "So..... I heard that you asked Vivian out,"Kelly nodded at Bryce. He nodded and Kelly smirked,"If you break her heart or cheat on her or hurt her, I will kill you." Bryce's eyes widened and he replied frantically,"Of course." I giggled and Kelly replied,"Vivian is the first of your girlfriends that I genuinely like. That Olivia girl was horrible so conceited. I you had any girlfriends before her then I didn't know about them." "You've never ever had any girlfriends before Olivia?" Bryce replied sheepishly,"I never really took relationships that seriously. All I wanted was, know..." I blushed. So there was a 50% chance of hottie boy just wanting me for sex. And he still expected me to date  him. What a stupid guy. "Seaweed Brain," I muttered under my breath. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow,"Oh is that so, oh so Wise Girl?" I was surprised. "You read Percy Jackson?" I asked in astonishment. He nodded sheepishly. We plunged into an intense competition about the story and the characters. "Annabeth is better!" I complained. "No, Percy is awesomer!!" Bryce fired back. After a million insults, Bryce sunk back in his chair with a sigh. "Fine, you win. Annabeth is better. After all, Wise Girl, you're the smarter one." I smirked and laughed. Amelia, Kelly and Alicia settled back into the chairs opposite us. Amelia relayed excitedly,"Kelly, Alicia and Alice are coming over tomorrow too. Is that ok?" I smiled,"Sure! Where's Alice by the way." Alicia cocked her head,"She's trying to escape some boys." I spun around. Alice was trying to push through a crowd of boys who were vying for her attention. I sighed. I got up and sashayed over to Alice. I twirled my hair around a finger. "Hey boys!" I giggled flirtatiously. Every boy turned around and rushed to me, leaving Alice alone. She mouthed a "Thank You" and ran to the table. I gave up my attempts at flirting. The boys kept wolf whistling until I have in. "Fine, I'll dance with all of you." I heaved a sigh. I placed my arm on a boy's muscly (is this even a word?!) arm. I looked up and realized that it was Jonathan. He sneered and led me to a slow dance I followed his lead as he leant closer and closer to me. I tilted my head back uncomfortably. As the song ended. Jonathan held the back of my head with his hand and pressed it to his face. I tied to screamed as his tongue explored my mouth but it didn't work. I tried to push him away by pulling his hair, but he only recognized it's passion. He deepened the kiss. I squirmed to free myself, sobbing now, remembering the time he tried to rape me.
Suddenly, he was flung off me as I collapsed to the ground in tears. I buried my head in someone's shoulder and cried my heart out. The person's soothing touch ended my tears and he or she whispered,"It's ok, Vivian. It's ok." I recognized it as Bryce and it just made me wrap my arms around his neck even tighter.
Why was it always me?! Would Jonathan ever leave me alone? Bryce was too good for me. I didn't deserve him. I looked up and saw Alice screaming at Jonathan. Her usually calm demeanor had been replaced by a look of rage and fury. She kicked him in the stomach and walked over to me. "Are you ok?" She asked me. I nodded and Amelia came over to give me a hug.  We went to get some food. Our stomachs were rumbling as it was already 10.30pm. We chatted and ate the rest of the night. Bryce said that he would meet me here again tomorrow during prom. I looked into his eyes, getting lost in the deep sea green color. I leant closer to him as he did the same. Our hands linked together and I decided to make a bold move. I pressed my lips to Bryce's. His lips were hard, but softened after a few seconds do contact against my soft lips. We pulled apart and heard cheers. Kelly, Alice, Alicia and Amelia were screaming and shouting, as was the rest of the school. I blushed a dark red and bit my lip to hide a smile. I hated attention, but I'll have to admit; that should have been my first kiss. Bryce held my hand lightly and asked,"I'll ask another time. Hopefully you'll consider it. Will you be my girlfriend?" I tapped my chin with my index finger in pretend thoughtfulness, and wrapped my hands around his neck. "Hm... Does this answer your question?" I leant forward and kissed him on the lips.
When I detached my lips, Bryce was grinning. Just then, a loud voice rang through the speaker,"Students, th prom night has come to an end as it is already midnight. Tomorrow there will be a second prom night and all of you will have to be here. Please leave via the entrance now." We got up and walked towards the door. I saw my Porsche parked in the car park and waved goodbye to my friends, driving back home. This night was really a night to remember. It changed my whole life. I was glad that I had listened to Dad.

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