Chapter 1

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Estonia still clearly remembers when he sat down at the table one day for supper when he noticed that Lithuania wasn't there. He looked at Russia in confusion, but the latter didn't meet his gaze, seeming equal parts horrified and guilty. Estonia quickly stood up and darted up to the room that he shared with his brothers. As soon as he entered, he saw Lithuania sitting on the bed, facing the wall and crying.

"Lithuania?" He whispered as he approached him.

Lithuania whirled around.

"Estonia, I..."

"Supper's ready." Estonia said softly, knowing that wasn't the problem.

"I'm... not really hungry."

"You should eat anyways. Lithuania, what's wrong?"

Lithuania looked away, not answering.

"You can tell me. I'm your brother. I care about you." Estonia said as he approached the bed.

Lithuania shook his head silently. Estonia frowned and sat next to him.

"Lithuan-" That's when he noticed the blood dripping down his back. His eyes widened. "What happened?!"

"Russia..." Lithuania's voice trailed off. After a moment, he started again, "Russia... wasn't himself this afternoon. I can't describe it. It was like... it was like he was a different person. He was so quiet and... the look in his eyes... his eyes weren't... it wasn't him. It was... it was like someone completely different was controlling his body. It was really scary, actually. Then he... he got mad at Latvia and... and I knew that he was going to get hurt so I... I asked to take his punishment for him."

Estonia bit his lip and hung his head.


He remembered the look on Russia's face when they were seated at the table.



"Could you get some rubbing alcohol from the cupboard? I would get it myself, but..."

Estonia shook his head. He got up and found the alcohol and some cotton swabs.

"Don't get angry with Russia over this, Estonia."

"I... I need to know what's going on before I can even think about emotions." Estonia sighed as he poured some alcohol on the swab.

"I understand. I have to-ah!" Lithuania winced when the swab made contact with a gash, "I have to admit that the two of you make a cute couple."

Estonia smiled and shook his head.

"We're not exactly a couple..."

"You want to be."


Lithuania laughed despite himself.

"Like you've never had a stupid crush." Estonia teased. He grinned when he saw Lithuania's face go red.

"Maybe...?" Lithuania said.

"Let me guess... Poland?"


Estonia arched an eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'partially'?"

Lithuania looked down, refusing to answer. Finally, Estonia finished disinfecting Lithuania's back and helped him up, returning downstairs.

They sat at the table and ate in silence, glancing at Russia every so often. Eventually, Estonia tightened his grip on his fork and made eye contact with Russia.

"I need to talk to you."

Scarred: A RusEst and PoLietCan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now