Chapter 12

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A/N: Wow, I didn't realise how long it had been since I'd updated! I've been pretty busy since I just started high school, so I have a lot more homework than I'm used to. That being said, I probably have four hours of free time per night, so I don't really have any excuses not to update. I apologize for that. I've also been coming down with a cold, so that sucks. Apparently, by the way, there is a way to see what country your readers are from on Wattpad, so according to that, 40% of my readers are Canadian (probably just Slinky_Stories and Sora42fc since I know them IRL, but SHHHH!) 40% are American and 20% are Polish. Because I'm too curious for my own good and feel like being annoying, if you could comment with your nationality... I'll give you a free hug? I don't know. :P The nice thing, though, is that I didn't even know if anyone was reading this at all, but apparently you are! Thank you very much for that! At any rate, I'm sorry for this note being so long. I'll get writing now.

"And I was like, 'What are you even doing, England? Unicorns don't, like, exist.' At least I think they don't. Unicorns don't exist, right Liet?"

Lithuania stifled a laugh. He had been walking home from a meeting when his cell phone rang and, sure enough, Poland was calling and wanting to tell him about everything that had happened to him that week.

"No, unicorns don't exist." Lithuania replied.

"I know, right? So I told him that, and he was all like, 'Bloody idiot! Are you blind?'" Poland exclaimed with a vaguely British sounding impression, "And I was like, 'No, bro. There's no unicorn there.' And he straight up almost started crying! He was so mad, it was actually kind of scary. Anyways, that's why England isn't talking to me."

"I see." Lithuania had learned long ago to just go with whatever Poland said.

"Yeah, so America told me that Canada's, like, having an identity crisis, so I was just like, 'So what else is new?'"

"How do you know what an identity crisis is?!" Lithuania asked suddenly. Poland wasn't exactly known for his vocabulary.

"I, like, asked England what it meant. That's what started the whole unicorn thing, remember?"

"Oh." Lithuania paused, "Wait, why is Canada having an identity crisis?"

"You're totally, like, worried about him." Poland laughed. When Lithuania didn't reply, he continued, "Well, everyone knows that everyone keeps mistaking him for America, right? So, apparently he's dating Cuba, right? He has been for a while, but Cuba thinks that he's America more often than anyone else! You know Cuba, though. He gets all mad whenever he thinks about America. One time, I saw him totally beat up Canada because he thought that he was his brother!"

"That's horrible!" Lithuania exclaimed, "And Canada just-" He stopped. Of course Canada lets Cuba hurt him. He knew first hand how hard it is to stand up to someone when they are in the process of attacking you. Somehow, bleeding profusely doesn't exactly help you seem more intimidating.

"Yeah, but he totally just broke up with him at a meeting!"

"Wait, what?!"

"The two of them were, like, talking about politics and Canada was just like, 'Nope! I don't have to deal with this!' and they broke up! Totally crazy, right? Anyways, what's with your brother and Russia?"

"Huh? Oh." Lithuania shook his head. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that Canada had broken up with Cuba, "Oh! Estonia is dating Russia, yes."

"Are you, like, okay with that?"

"Of course I am! They both seem happy together, so I don't see what I should have against it. Oh, and Latvia has been making some friends, so that's good. I'm hoping that he'll start to trust people again. He just shut down after the USSR was disintegrated."

"Yeah, I noticed. I hear that he, like, made friends with Iceland, right?"

"I think so. It's hard to tell. They don't really talk very much when they see each other, but... I don't know."

"They totally have sexual tension."


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