Chapter 4

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A/N: *insert 1950's commercial narrator voice* Noot noot! The beginnings of RusEst story arc is finally over! Canada enters the stage! What will happen next? Read on to find out!

"Cuba!" Canada called as he ran to catch up with him, "Where weren't you at the meeting this morning?"

"Why do you care, stupid American?" Cuba snapped as he whirled around.

"I'm... I'm not America..." Canada squeaked.

"Oh. Oh! Sorry about that, Canada. You just look so much like your brother."

"Yeah, I get that a lot..."

"You're cuter than him, though." Cuba laughed as he pulled Canada into a kiss.

Canada blushed.

"I-I... th-thanks, I g-guess..." He stammered.

Cuba smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Te amo." He cooed.

"I-I love you too..."

Canada's blush deepened when Cuba brushed his hand over his cheek. He was still getting used to affection since he had gone his whole life either being ignored or fought over. Well, there was that time that he burned down the whitehouse*. That was fun.

"Where were you during the meeting, though?" Canada asked.

"I was feeling sick this morning, but I'm fine now." Cuba shrugged. After a moment, he teasingly added, "I'm sorry if I worried you."

"I-I'm sorry for worrying! I-I just didn't know where you were and..." His voice trailed off.

"Don't apologize so much." 

"What? Oh. I'm sorr- wait..."

Cuba laughed and ruffled Canada's hair.

"M-mind the curl!" Canada exclaimed.

Cuba paused.

"Oh. Right. Well, how do you know that I'm not trying to pull it?"

"Because you're not France?"

This just set Cuba off again into another fit of laughter.

"Seriously, Canada, how are you related to France? You're nothing like him!"

"I-I can be seductive if I want to be! It's just that the only ones who have ever noticed me are beavers and moose. I'm... not exactly interested in having sex with either group." Canada joked.

"I'd like to see you try to be seductive. You're too innocent for that!"

"I-I'm not that innocent!"

"Then why do you always blush when I do this?" Cuba pressed his lips against Canada's and wrapped his arms around his waist.



*History time! Just after the American revolutionary war, the US still wasn't internationally seen as it's own country, so it was just like, "Hey, let's invade Canada! Then everyone will take us seriously!" Needless to say, Canada was less than happy about it, so it fought back with the help of Britain. Thus began the war of 1812 (which actually lasted until 1814, but SHHHHHH!). Near the end of the war, Canada stormed Washington. The Americans had already fled, but a supper was set for the president. The Canadians ate it and then burned down the whitehouse. Yeah, maybe we Canadians aren't as nice as we seem. :P Some people claim that it was technically Britain that burned down the whitehouse because Canada was part of Britain at the time and there was a higher percentage of British soldiers than Canadian soldiers, but those people forget that they were fighting for and had departed from Canada, many of the British soldiers became Canadian citizens afterwards, and of course, the First Nations really didn't want the US to take over since they were taking all of their land. Of course, after the war, Britain was just like, "Screw it! We're going to take your land too so you basically don't have any allies anymore because we're just nice like that!" France seems to be the only country that was actually nice to the First Nations. Look up Tecumseh. His life story is very interesting. Not to mention that a lot of the people who had huge impacts on the war of 1812 were Canadian such as Laura Secord.

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