one: ''do you think i'm odd?''

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hi! if you read my other stories you might know that my name is ana and i really hope you like this story

the story will be in luke's pov unless i change it. i'm trying to make a modern version of BATB even though Ashton lives in a castle ANYWAY

please give me your opinion at the end of the chapter, it would mean a lot

stay awesome x



It's kind of suffocating living in a small town, at least that's what Luke thinks. Everyone is watching you and noticing what you do wrong, you basically have no freedom.

Luke has no friends, let me tell you. His only brother, Ben, likes to build stuff - anything to be honest - and people consider him a freak but Luke just thinks he is just smarter than the others. People don't want to be friends with Luke because he is that weirdo who goes to the record shop in the middle on the town everyday to get new cd's or donate some of his. It's not a reason to call him a freak but he doesn't mind, he likes to be different because different means special (even though it bothers him sometimes). He is also gay so the religious old ladies throw holy water at him (it actually happened once).

He is currently going to the record shop with an Ed Sheeran's Ep 'Songs I Wrote With Amy' with a big smile on his face.

''He's so weird.'' An old lady says, Luke just ignores.

''He's a freak grandma, just ignore him. The peagon truck is coming!''

Luke sighs and takes off his sunglasses when he sees the store. Carl - the guy who works there - is the only person who is actually nice to him, the man is 40 years old and his wife died making him a single father of 4.

The blonde haired boy walks in and sees Carl almost sleeping against the coffee machine. He chuckles and walks around.

Luke feels sorry for Carl. Since Emily died he has to take care of 4 kids alone and doesn't let Luke help him or take care of the kids so Carl can rest and have time for himself.

''Hey Carl!'' he greets and the older man smiles at him.

''Hey Luke, how are you today?''

''I'm good, how are the kids?''

''They are good, staying with my sister this weekend. I decided to take your advice...'' he smiles.

''I'm glad.'' Luke smiles back ''I'm here to donate an EP! It's from Ed Sheeran.'' the blonde boy gave him the EP and smiled excitedly walking to the shell beside the counter ''Do you have any new CD's?''

Carl laughs ''Not since yesterday. Did you enjoy the one you took yesterday?''

''Oh yes! I loved it. The sound of the music, the angelic voices, the rythm and the beat. Music is such a magical thing!''

''Well you know what? Keep it.''

''W-What? Carl I can't-''

''No no Luke.'' Carl stopped him ''You always offer to take care of the kids, and I know you go take care of them when they are sick, Mrs.Nancy told me. It's the least i can do.''

''O-Okay.'' Luke smiled ''I gotta go! Thank you again Carl, have a lovely day!''

''Bye kid.''

Luke exited the store and started heading home, people giving him weird looks and whispering behind his back. He completely hated it.

At the end of the street there was a girl who was constantly flirting with Luke and begging to marry with him. At first Luke laughed because it was funny but that rich girl has such an annoying obsession with him, if he liked girls he wouldn't be attracted to her.

beauty and the beast // lashton ✔️Where stories live. Discover now