ten: hanging out

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how about a t r i p l e update? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i'm going to triple update this week and the christmas chapter (aka the third one) comes out on christmas day since it's well, christmas

the second update will come out tomorrow (00.46 AM in Portugal and i have to be up at 7.30 I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY THAT I LOVE YOU)


''You should put on something warm, it's freezing outside.'' the candlestick said.

Luke had just gotten ready to go outside with Ashton, but the clothes he had weren't enough. Fortunately, the wardrobe had some clothes that fit Luke and they were warm so it was a easy start. Soon Michael appeared saying Ashton was ready to go outside in the snow. The blonde haired boy sat down on his bed and stared at the floor.

"Is there something wrong?" a small voice said, Luke looked up and recognized it was Mr.Wilson's son - Phil "You seem upset."

"Oh no, I'm fine." Luke picked him up and the small cup gave him a smile "You don't have to worry about me, little guy."

"Are you sure? My momma said we should always take care of people who don't feel okay."

"I'm okay, I promise." the boy reassured him "Do you have any plans for today?"

"I'm just gonna play with my friends while you get to know Mister Ashton. He is nice sometimes, you just have to get to know him."

Luke smiled and put him on the ground, he got up and walked to the door with the small cup jumping beside him. He didn't look at the frightening creatures this time, it made him feel threatened - more than he felt.

He finally arrived to the staircase and picked up Phil who showed him a bright almost-toothless smile. Michael was at the end of the staircase waiting for Luke and cleared his throat when seeing Luke. He got in a formal position and cleared his throat when Luke put Phil down.

"Ashton is waiting for you. Do you have anything you need?" Michael asked and Luke nodded, stepping on the floor and following Michael to the living room.

Luke had his gaze on the floor not feeling like looking up. When they got to the living room Luke heard a 'hey' being whispered in a rough voice. He looked up and held a breath, Ashton was gorgeous (for an enchanted person), he had dark pants on and a blue shirt with a cape covering him.

''Are you- are you ready?'' the beast spoke with his eyes slightly shining.

''Yeah um- I guess I am.'' Luke spoke nervously, Ashton was still intimidating to him even though he has been nice.

He stayed next to the door waiting for Ashton to pass by him, when he did Luke followed him outside. He followed him through the house with his head down and looking at the ground. He didn't want to look up because of the statues and paints with monstruos faces on them, it made him uncomfortable and kinda scared.

''You don't need to have your head down the whole way.''  Ashton said and Luke looked at him who was now on his right side ''I get that it's uncomfortable - it was for me too - but you'll get used to it.''

beauty and the beast // lashton ✔️Where stories live. Discover now