nine: breakfast together

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Luke sat on his bed drawing some stuff. Ashton has been really nice to him since the other night, they even eat together now. The beast became more... soft, and sweet with Luke. It was nice the fact that he was trying to control his anger issues just to make the boy happy - he wasn't that sad with staying here anymore, he misses Ben of course but Ashton is not bad now.

There was snow outside, since winter here is pretty cold they have snow. The wardrobe was still sleeping and snored, talking a few times but apart from that it was fine. The blonde boy smiled when she mumbled a few words (something about a dress), he likes to know what the wardrobe dreamed about - the fact that he realises he is talking to a wardrobe makes him think he really is insane.

Luke put his things beside him and cuddled to the warm sheets. There was snow was falling outside, he hoped he could maybe visit when the weather was more nice.

Someone knocked on the door and the blonde boy told them to come in. The door opens with a weird sound that gives Luke goosebumps and Michael revealed himself with a big smile. The clock walked to the bed and stopped when he was at least twofeet away. It seemed like he was trying to respect something or was scared. Luke chuckled.

''You can come closer you know? I'm not going to hurt you.'' Michael blushed and came closer.

''I came here to ask you if you want breakfast. Ashton invited you to have lunch with him.'' the clock said ''Do you want?''

Luke nodded ''Yes, that would be nice.'' the clock smiled widely ''Can I go downstairs or do I have to stay here?''

''No no! You can go downstairs if you want to. We just want you to be comfortable.''

''Will Ashton be there? I don't want to cause any trouble, I feel like he kind of hates me.'' the blonde boy looked down, a bit sad without any reason.

Michael hugged his leg to comfort him, making Luke smile ''He doesn't hate you. He just has a hard time with people, we haven't seen one in a while.''

Luke smiles and Michael walks out of the bedroom, telling him to wear something comfortable for breakfast that would be served in a few minutes. He got up and tapped the wardrobe slowly, the enchanted furniture groaned and opens her eyes. She looked down and stared at Luke who was smiling at her, waiting for something.

''Hello.'' it says ''Do you need something?''

''Um yeah, I actually need something to wear for breakfast but I only have those.'' he pointed at the clothes across the room ''I was hoping you could give me something to wear today?''

Suddenly it seemed like someone connected her to energy. The wardrobe got out of its spot and opens the door taking out a random blue sweater and black jeans. Luke had his coat and beanie so he didn't really need much.

''You look like a model!''

He looks down and blushes ''Thank you. Do you think I should head down now?''

''Yeah yeah! I'm sure Ashton will like the way you look.'' The wardrobe smiles warmly and Luke hugs one of the sides as in a way to say thank you.

He got out of the bedroom and walked through the corridor. Luke wondered if there were more than the objects he had seen alive. was there any special stuff? Like alive food? He hoped not because that would take his hunger away forever, probably he wouldn't be able to eat again. He reached the staircase and sighed, was he ready to have a nice meal with his kidnapper? Maybe. He started to walk down and looked around.

Technically Ashton wasn't a kidnapper. Luke offered himself to stay on his brother's place instead of walking away and leave Ben there. He doesn't regret it but at the same time he wished there was a way Ben and him could have escaped together.

He walked to where he remembered to be the dining room and opened the door that made an agonizing sound. He put half of his body inside the room just to see if someone was there - and well, Ashton was already sat at the other side of the large table. The beast was wearing usual clothes today, not the ripped pieces from before. Ashton's eyes shined a bit when seeing it was Luke and he got up from his seat - he staying on the same spot though.

''Hi, I hope you don't mind that I am here to eat breakfast with you.'' the beast said and Luke smiled walking to the table and sitting down.

''It's okay. This is your house anyway so I don't have to mind anything. You're the boss here.'' Both chuckled ''Do you have any plans for today?''

Ashton shook his head ''Not really, there isn't so much I can do around here.''

''Why don't you go out?''

The beast slammed his hands on the table and Luke jumped, scared that he might do something - he does think that Ashton is nicer but his anger issues are something present. Ashton opens his eyes and his face becomes soft when he sees Luke's scared reaction, he quickly puts his hands under the table and looks down in shame.

''S-Sorry um...'' he sighs ''I'm not used to go outside the castle, don't want people to see the beast and go around telling they saw some monster.''

There was silence for a few moments. Luke wasn't sure what to say - what if it made Ashton mad? What if he had to leave the room? He (strangely) was hoping to spend some time with Ashton today, the boy always thought that even the darkest person could have something good in them and Ashton is starting to reveal that.

''Do you want to go out today? It's a beautiful day and we could play on the snow.''

Ashton lifted his head up and his face showed excitement. He nodded a million times and Luke smiled fondly, it was just adorable.

''I would love that.'' he said and the objects started to put the food on the table, looking between them with slight smiles ''Let's eat, we have a big day in front of us!''

The objects left the table and Mrs.Wilson was the last one. The small teapot walked away with thoughts of a beautfiul friendship that could lead to something more, pure and honest.


this was shit sorey

i'll try to make a double update next week since it's christmas (yes there will be a christmas chapter)

all the love,


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