five: ''you didn't let me say goodbye'' and cocky bitches

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the chapter title sucks i'm so sorry

i posted a new story named "Smile" and it's kinda cute, go check it out if you want!

The beast - Ashton - starts walking up the stairs and Calum is still where he was before. He never seen Ashton so mad like he was now, he never had a prisioner (maybe because they didn't really receive any visits).

''Ashton?'' he asks while following him.

''What?'' the cursed boy angrily asks and Calum sighs.

''Since that boy is going to stay for a while - more like forever - maybe you should give him a more comfortable room to be more homey.'' Ashton angrily growls at him making his light disappear ''Okay maybe he could sleep where the horses used to.''

Calum sighs, Ashton has always been like this. Thinking he was the best just because he was rich, rude and cocky - which is why they are in this messed up situation. The blonde boy might be the one who saves them but it will be hard to fall in love with a person who is like... like this. Rude, cocky and disrespectful. But everyone has a good side right?

Ashton enters the cell where Luke is shaking and crying. No words come out of the boy's mouth he just doesn't know what to say. It's painful, horrible, it hurts a lot and there are no words to describe it.

''You didn't let me say goodbye.'' He blurts out in a calm and soft voice ''I'm never going to see my brother again and you didn't let me say goodbye.''

Everyone is silent, Ashton is still keeping his posture. He feels bad because of his anger, he let it take over him and couldn't be a bit nice to the boy. What can he do? That's how they taught him to be: not caring about the people who are socially under him.

''Come with me and I'll show you your room.''

Luke finally looks at him ''My room? But I thought I would stay here.''

''Well uh, do you want to stay in the tower?'' Luke shakes his head to the sides ''Then follow me.''

He grabs Calum and they start walking downstairs. They walk through the cold, dark corridors. There are stuff that's broken (maybe it's from this thing's anger issues, Luke thinks) and some dust. He looks around and sees many scary statues. He quickly runs to the Beast's side and stays there while they walk in silence.

Calum is getting tired of this bullshit so he pokes Ashton on the ear. The cursed boy looks at him and makes a sign with his ''hands'' which results in Ashton giving him a weird look. He mentally slaps himself.

''Talk to him!''

''So... I hope you like it here since you basically live here now. It's pretty big so you can walk around if you want, but don't go to the East Wing.'' he warns.

Luke is suddenly curious ''What is on the East Wing?''

''Nothing you have to know, it's forbidden and that's only it.'' he speaks firmly but with some anger present on his voice. It makes Luke shiver.

They eventually reach a big green door on a yellow corridor. It's an excentric mix of colours but Luke isn't the stereotype of a gay guy to make it match, he actually doesn't care. Ashton opens the door for Luke's room and there is a light. The bed is dark blue while the rest of the room is white, there are 3 giant windows on the wall and a fireplace. It looks comfortable but there is nothing like his room in the village.

Ashton coughs ''If you need anything my servants will be there for you. My name is Ashton Irwin if you want to know.''

Luke nods looking at the ground and suddenly everything is silent again.

''Invite him to dinner.'' Calum whispers.

''You are going to have dinner with me, this is an order not a request.'' he walks away slamming the door shut.

''You could have been more... soft.''

''Oh you want me to go softer than that?''

While that in town's café...

Madison sat at the chair in the café her dad owned, one of them actually. She takes a sip of her latté and groans with the memories of today. How could Luke have done that?, she thinks.

''Hey Madison.'' a girl greets her, blushing.

''Yeah, hey whoever you are.''

''Is there anything I can do to help you?''

''Go away.''

The blonde girl sadly nods and walks away crying. It's always been like this! Everybody wants Madison, girls or boys. Even if she swings to both sides she want Luke and only Luke. She feels someone sitting beside her and she knows who that is.

''Awh come on Maddie!''

''Don't call me that.''

''You can do it next time! He has to marry you eventually, no one wants that disgrace.''

''I know right?! I am everything he wants! I'm beautiful, poetic, romantic and talented!'' she points to a paint on the wall (it was all white with red in a corner) ''I did that! It's fucking wonderful! Why doesn't he want me? Everybody does! No one says 'no' to Madison so what makes him think that he can?''

Madison felt irritated, humiliated and even disgusted. Who was Luke to turn her down like that? Actually, who was he to turn her down? Everyone wants here, desires her or to be like her. She has curves and a nice ass.

They were talking about her when suddenly Ben bursts in the café suddenly. He looked frightened, like saw some beast or something. Madison chuckles and looks at him, this guy is completely crazy.

''I need help!'' he shouts.

''What do you want, weirdo?'' Marvin - the bartender - asks ''The asylum is the other way.''

''No, please! He has him, he has Luke locke dup in a tower! He might get killed!'' he turns to Madison ''You have to help me, your dad has contracts with security they might help!''

Madison laughed out loud ''Okay dude, we can help you.''

''Seriously? Thank you so - wait what are you doing?'' he asked when he was picked up by the security.

The big guy threw him outside and Ben groaned in pain. He walked to an alley and started crying, Luke was in this mess because of him - everything that is happening it's his fault. His brother is going to die because of him and no one was willing to help.

''No one is going to help me.'' he whispered and wrapped his arms around himself trying to control his sobs.

Inside the café...

''You know Mack? I was thinking...''

''That's dangerous.''

''Shut up.'' she snapped ''Anyway, the crazy dude wants help and I want to marry Luke. We could... make favours for each other.''

Mack smirked and nodded. She was actually faking it, Madison is a dumb bitch and she is only giving information to Jade.

Jade is Mac's best friend ans she is in love with Madison instead of Mack. It should be Mack because she would feel the same.


as you can see i'm kinda following the script of it, but that's the point right?

what do you think about this story until now? is it Disney and homo-ish enough?

all the fucking love. -A

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