Chapter 23

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I was an Alpha.  I was a wolf.  I was powerful, and I always had been and yet I felt about to break.  I could smell her now, telling me we were close and my chest seized.  I'd been without her scent for weeks, and it had been driving me mad.  She was a gentle remedy to the monster within and I needed her, almost desperately, to calm me.

Her scent was warped, though, and I told myself I was expecting this.  Dalton had taken her in a mad hope of mating with her.  I saw him bite her for crying out loud, the worst thing I'd ever seen in my entire life.  I'd seen it, seen my mark disappear under the new one and felt pieces of myself shredding in the process.

But it wouldn't work, the mark would fade, unless Alice herself completed the bond.

And from the warped smell, not the changed smell, my girl had held through.

I hadn't had a doubt.

I pushed myself harder, the wolves behind me pushing themselves just as hard.  We were nearing the land now, just a little closer.  My sister, my mad, insane, beautiful, wonderful sister got us here, got us in.  We'd been scoping out all lands past the train tracks for weeks and if the rogues weren't so mad, if they weren't so impulsive and grabbed my sister we wouldn't have even known they were here.  We wouldn't know where Alice was, and she'd be missing, and her resilience to Dalton would still be thinning.

Now I was close.

Now I was going to get Alice, and save my sister, and it would be alright.  Everything would be alright, and then maybe finally that horrific pain in my chest would take a break and let me breath and allow me a chance to hold the woman I loved for a minute in peace.

I just had to get her first.




"That's enough!" the doctor roared, background noise to the sound of my chair hitting the floor. I lost sight of the room once more, confused, head spinning. The taste of copper filled my mouth and when I spit, crimson coated the ground.

"I think you chipped a tooth." I muttered, finding my baring's in the scuffed shoes of my abuser. "That's nearly impressive."

My chair was hauled up once more, and I tumbled from it until a pair of hands trapped my biceps and hauled me into it as well. "Every remark just means a bit more fun." Elliot promised, but I could see the hot irritation burning behind his eyes.

"Some girls find that sadistic streak attractive.  BDSM type stuff." I managed to say past the throbbing burn coating my whole body. "If you play it just right you might find yourself a pretty lady."

He hit me in the stomach with a balled fist. I doubled over, the breath gone from my lungs, but he didn't allow me a second before throwing me back and hitting me once more. A strangled scream escaped my clenched teeth as searing pain ricocheted throughout my abdomen and I swear, I swear he broke a rib.

Short pants escaped me, anything more hurt too much. I stared up at the ceiling, licked my dry lips, and tried reminding myself why I was doing this.

Because you're a good person, my mind reasoned.

No, because you're an idiot, rationality argued back.

I was sticking to the side of rationality.

"You've had enough?" Elliot asked, grabbing my hair and pulling my head far back. I gritted my teeth, put forth as much anger as I could into my gaze and hoped maybe I could burn him alive with it. No such luck though.

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