Chapter 13

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I was chewing my finger nails.  I hadn’t chewed my fingernails since the first day of freshmen year.  Clayton was a ball of fury and restiveness, sitting beside me and fighting off his wolf.  I could see him shifting, tapping his foot, never taking his eyes off of me unless to scan the room for any new threats.  God, it was worse than I’d thought.

He’s said no school anymore.

He said no contact, either, with any friends.

I didn’t even have time to argue.

The door bell rang and Clayton was on his feet.  “Stay.” He ordered, like I was a dog, but I obediently remained on the sofa, chewing on my fingernails and watching as he let the doctor in.  Doctor Andrews gave Clayton a warm greeting but he wasn’t stupid, and caught onto the mood of the room quickly, noticing just how fast Clark moved to shut the door and usher him into the room, the way he sat so close to me, ready to cover me in case of an attack that wouldn’t come.

“You told him.” Dr. Andrews stated, sighing exasperatedly.

Flushing deeply, I ignored Clayton’s fierce gaze.  “I’m sorry.”

“Well, no use being sorry.” The doctor sighed, placing his medial bag on the coffee table in f ont of us and sitting beside it.  “But regardless, I am sorry Clayton.”

“We will talk about this later.” Clayton said in a bitterly cold voice.  “Tell him what happened to you yesterday Alice.”

I brushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear, noting the trembles in my finger and quickly put it in my lap.  For a brief moment, I felt calming waves through the bond Clayton and I shared and I was blushing once more for some inexplicable reason.

“He, um, he marked me, and then I marked him, and then I blacked out.”

Dr. Andrews raised an eyebrow.  “Well I told you you’re wolf would be born when you guys marked each other, didn’t I?”

I could feel Clayton’s discomfort and without really thinking I placed my hand on his knee.  His surprise hit me first, and then his slowly ebbing stress.  Just from my touch.  Good to know for future reference.  “You didn’t say I would black out.”

“Well I’m not the local expert on white wolves, Alice.” He said, exasperated.  “I told you what I knew.  Now, if you want me to check you over, make sure everything is fine, then I can.”

“She’s fine.” Clayton answered for me.

“And, er, could I talk to you in private, also?” I asked the doctor.  Clayton had seen me in ways no one else before him had, yet it was still embarrassing to discuss certain things around or with him.

“Certainly not.” Clayton protested, setting his jaw in that way he did when he wasn’t going to budge on anything. 


“Can you blame me, Alice.” He cut me off, his eyes flashing gold and shutting me up with my shame.  “What you need to discuss with him, you can discuss with me too.”

I cleared my throat, feeling heat creep up my neck, and turned to the doctor, fidgeting quietly.  “Um, well, it’s just that—that I thought when you were marked to your mate that—I mean, I guess that I thought the whole, um, sex thing would die down.”

The doctor raised an eyebrow.  “The whole sex thing?”

Oh god, this was terrible.  “The, er, the need.  The heat, I guess.” By now my face was on fire and Clayton’s stare on the side of my face was burning a hole through me.

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