Chapter 8

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I paced beside the track, stretching my arms in a frantic, maniacal sort of way. Melanie sat on the bleachers, a deep frown set on her face. "That's not going to work." She announced, declaring her thoughts on my plans of escape.

I stopped, gave her a look filled with panic and anger, before dropping to the ground and stretching my legs. "I have no choice, Melanie." I snapped, touching my toes and feeling that familiar stretch in my hamstrings.

"You could just let him mark you." Melanie shrugged. "Take your chances at being the white wolf."

"Shh!" I hushed her, leaping to my feet and frantically looking around. Thankfully, no one seemed to hear. Most people on my track team, human or otherwise, tended to steer clear of me. They were a few hundred feet away, stretching in a large group. "Melanie, what is wrong with you?"

She held her hands up, hiding a smile. "Settle down, I knew no one was around. I'm not stupid, Alice, I know what it could mean if you were."

"I'm not going to let him mark me." I stated, stretching to touch the dirt. "I have a future outside of him."

Melanie was silent for a moment, and, unable to stop myself I sighed and looked up at her. She was deep in thought. "I wonder what'll happen to Alpha Clayton." She mused.


She shrugged. "I mean, he won't even let you stay here for three days while he goes a few states away. Three days, Alice. Some of the scouts are coming here from Wyoming, from Washington, from Idaho. You'll be going to college a few hundred miles outside of the commuting zone. And I highly doubt you'd come back to visit on your breaks. I just wonder what'll happen to our Alpha."

My stomach twisted uncomfortably and I fought the odd sensation of guilt building. I shouldn't be guilty, I never asked for him.

But he never asked for me, either.

I closed my eyes. "I'm supposed to live in misery for the rest of my life so he can be comfortable?"

"You'll be our Luna." Melanie argues and nervously my eyes flicker around for any eavesdroppers, which of course there are none. "People will be forced to respect you."

"Do you forget what happened to me?" I said, aggressively motioning to my back. "I can hardly stand to be around a wolf, let alone rule an entire pack knowing they all wished I was dead."

Melanie quieted, chewing her lip and staring at me sadly. "He's one wolf, Alice. It was one wolf that left those scars." She said quietly.

Wide eyed, I stared at her. "Three of them held me down, Melanie." I said quietly, feeling tears well in my eyes. "Only one put the marks there, but three of them held me down and a dozen more howled along while it happened."

Melanie was silent, chewing the inside of her cheek like she did whenever she was in deep, deep thought. Eventually, she said, "I'll do it. You know I'd do anything for you. I just-I want you to really understand what your consequences could be for this."

"I know what they are if I don't, and that's all that matters." I said bitterly. I turned on my heal, marching towards the rest of the team to start our jog. Usually, the team started out without me, and I had to catch up for the warm up miles. Today, though, I could see the team ahead, and then about half a dozen or more waiting for me.

Confused, I wiped my cheeks in case any tears had fallen and cautiously walked over to them. They were all wolves, you can tell by the way they hold themselves. I wondered how no one noticed the differences before werewolves came out of hiding.

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