Chapter 10

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4:00 pm, afternoon of States

I threw up again, hot tears poking my eyes. I stood by the bleachers, to the most secluded trash can I could find. Still, people stared at me.

When I thought I was done, I straightened, making sure to fix my uniform. I had my under armor on still, because the schools uniform didn't cover my scars. I wiped the sweat from my brows and made my way over to my team.

There were only a few of us that qualified for states, mostly wolves. Silvia, the silver haired wolf who ran with me on Monday, came to my side. "Hey, Alice, are you feeling alright?"

She placed a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. Quickly, she retracted her hand and I offered her a small smile. "I'm fine. My brother is carrying the flu around the house, so I think I might have gotten some of it."

She gave me a small, unbelieving sort of smile. "Let me know if you need anything."

I nodded, feeling a pain shoot through my head. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep, slow breath and took a seat on the grass, waiting for my heat to be called.

It had been about sixteen hours since I left Clayton. Sixteen hours and a few hundred miles and I felt-I felt like I was on the verge of passing out.

No, I though bitterly. Not from the mate pull. I can't feel the stupid thing, I'm not supposed to. Clayton is the one who is supposed to feel the distance, not me! God, I sound so selfish-no, Alice, no!

I tucked my head in my hands, and only saw Clayton's eyes. My stomach turned, but I held back whatever sort of vomit was threatening me. I felt worse than any sort of flu I've gotten. My insides felt as though layer by layer they were being torn down and away and leaving me bare. That naked, horrible sort of alone feeling was the worst.

I was alone. I felt horribly alone, despite the hundreds of people surrounding me.

I heard his voice in the crowds. I smelled his musty, pine scent on everyone. I felt his touch on my skin, making me blush.

--Sixteen hours earlier-

No one could resist my mom's onion soup recipe. It was delicious-no, that was too kind. It was delectable. Irresistible. Oh god, I loved moms onion soup.

I stirred the pot on the stove. On the way home from the mall, Carlos had stopped at a grocery store and I had grabbed a few ingredients. The kitchen in the suite was fully stocked besides the pot, which I easily got from the hotels kitchen.

It took a few hours, but I had nothing but time now. Carlos was standing in the hallway with another wolf but I was alone inside of the suite. It felt nice being alone. I could sing if I wanted, dance around naked if I had the urge. I forgot how nice it was to be alone.

Which was no way a true mate should feel.

With the soup nearly done and boiling nicely, a strong scent wafting through the suite, I walked back into the sitting area and pulled my bag open.

I wasn't sure how well the werewolves in the hall could smell, and I didn't want to risk anything, so I pulled the small black bag out of my own bag and rushed back no the kitchen to where the scent of onion soup was the strongest.

I stared at the bag, knowing this would be the only time I'd ever let myself get this close to something so . . . dangerous. Blinking rapidly, I unzipped the black bag. I tipped it over and hair bands, makeup, and bobby pins fell out. I quirked an eyebrow, then looked back into the bag. This was certainly not what I had ordered . . .

I sifted through the materials on the counter, then back to the bag. Maybe there was a secret compartment-no, no secret compartment.

I pulled at the hair bands and bobby pins, a little frantic now. Had I been fooled? God, I felt so stupid, was Melanie's brother really going to willingly give away free drugs to a stranger-I opened the eyeliner, a pencil with a black cap, and a small silver powder escaped.

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