Chapter 6

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"The pack doctor is at my house." Clayton said, breaking the thin silence in the car.


He looked at me, his eyes stretching from my head to toe, making me feel incredibly self conscious. "You don't act like we're mated." He said eventually. "I don't act like we're mated."

I scoffed at his last part. Frankly I was impressed he noticed I acted outside the norm. "Please, you practically had sex with me in my own hallway."

He growled lowly, and I knew it was a bad idea to bring that up. "Exactly." He answered regardless. "I have no control. I need to mate with you, every second. It's too intense, it's not normal. Watching you run from my house made me want to burn the town down looking for you. I know this isn't normal, I can practically feel your emotions oozing from me. It shouldn't be this intense."

I looked at him, surprised. If he really felt that way, then his self control really was impressive. Wait, he could feel my emotions that clearly? God damn it. He looked at me again. "And you don't seem to feel it at all, unless you're two feet away."

I looked to my hands in my lap, swallowing heavily. Would he mate me against me will?

"No." he answered, as though he read my mind. But he read my emotions, which was basically the same thing. "Never."

I let out a breath, the way he said that touched me in a surprising way. Like he really cared, it wasn't just an inevitable lust that would eventually turn to something else.

"What's the doctor going to do?"

"Look at you."

I frowned. "Why do you assume it's me?"

He laughed, not insulted at all which only annoyed me further. "I'm not the human born from two pure bloods."

I opened my mouth to protest but then closed it again. He had a point. Too quickly we made it to his house. I opened my door as he was reaching to do it for me and he frowned. I hopped out, landing easily and he pressed his hand to the small of my back, leading me to the house.

Just his small touch had my body on fire and he sighed heavily. "This is what I'm talking about." He mumbled. "I can feel your reaction, and I want to take you right now. Jesus."

I swallowed and we walked in silence up his steps into the mansion. I'd never been on the inside and I felt out of place in the elegance, the white marble floor and winding staircase. I saw a piano in the sitting room to out left and my heart skipped a beat. I hadn't played in so long, not since I started up with track so seriously.

Inside that same room an unfamiliar man stood when we entered. Clayton dropped my bag on a chair and marched forward to shake the man's hand. "Dr. Andrews." He greeted him. "This is Alice."

He gestured to me and I stepped forward, unsure. Was he going to stick me with a needle when I wasn't looking? "Alice, dear, what a pleasure." He said warmly. He was a middle aged man with the beginnings of grays on his brown hair. Glasses hung at the end of his nose and he wore simple dress pants and a white button down shirt rolled up to his elbows.

I shook his hand quickly. "Clayton here tells me you don't feel any of the symptoms of being a mate?"

He addressed his Alpha as Clayton? That was weird. I looked at Clayton, suddenly uncomfortable. "Answer him." He said.

I swallowed and turned back to Dr. Andrews. "I don't, if I'm away from him. I can't feel any emotion, I can't feel a pull. I think about him, but not obsessively. I don't feel a need to be around him. But . . ."

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