Chapter 20

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He walked so he was just outside of the cameras point of view. I glanced to the lens, imagining Clayton was staring back at me, then back to the Alpha. "I'm very excited to meet you." The Alpha continued. His voice was incredibly deep and shook me when he spoke. "When we caught wind of the white wolf, you can imagine my surprise. It's been so long, see, since we've even heard of one. We were all losing a bit of hope. Then the good doctor fell into our hands, and we took his oath of silence regarding information on you as a sign you really did exist."

My eyes slid to the doctor and I felt like crying. He'd stayed silent, even after all they did to him? He looked down to his feet before meeting my eye, a steely resolve shining there that inspired me to do the same. To not show weakness.

"I watched your track videos." The Alpha said, catching my attention again. My eyes swiveled to meet his blue ones. "It's very impressive. Not the last one, though, that was pretty pathetic. But the others were very astonishing. I like the fight you have."

He was trying to flatter me. Dear god, what alternate universe had I stepped into? "Oh, and excuse my manners. My name is Dalton. Alpha Dalton Carver, but you can call me Dalton."

I kept my mouth shut, resolving to never call him anything, to never speak to him. My wrist burned bitterly, keeping my head clear, reminding me of where I was and who I was fighting and what was at stake. And also reminding me how hopeless this all really was.

He finally stepped into camera and cast a look at the lens, as if to say see, Clayton, I've really got your girl. He walked so he was beside me, his fingers reaching out to grasp a curl in his fingers. I jerked my head away, and he smiled.

He continued walking so he was fully behind me, so close I could feel his flannel on my bare shoulders. He placed his hands on my shoulders, gripping lightly. I couldn't escape his touch, no matter how I tried, and his grip only tightened until I stopped moving.

I didn't know he was bending down until I felt his nose on the exposed side of my neck, inhaling. "I'm very pleased with this dress, Alice." He hummed. My stomach rolled, nausea fighting to rule me. "You're very beautiful."

Oh my god. Oh my god. I looked into the camera, my eyes wide and I knew Clayton was watching but I couldn't help it, I couldn't help being so, so scared. Dalton placed a quick, chaste kiss to Claytons mark. Unlike when Clayton did it, it almost hurt when Dalton did. Revolted me. "Don't worry, we'll change that reaction real quick." Dalton promised. "Although you'll have to sleep with me willingly for the connection to work, it shouldn't be too hard with the mark, will it?"

Willingly? I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt, like the first sliver of hope had just showed itself to me. I would never willingly sleep with this monster, ever. I'd sooner die than do such a thing. I felt the resolve of it in my bones. "I'll never touch you." I said bitterly. "I'll never be attracted to you, or think of you with anything less than contempt. You disgust me."

I was proud of my words, but I felt Dalton smile against my skin. "I'm giving up my own mate to mark you." He admitted quietly. "I haven't met her yet, but this is worth it."

The thought of him ruining Clayton's mark on my neck was disastrous to my mental health. But knowing it would be my choice to sleep with him and fully complete the mating process was giving me hope. I could escape, or Clayton could find me, or anything. But I would never, ever willingly touch this man.

"I'm surprised Clayton hasn't gotten his meaty hands all over you yet." Dalton murmured. One of his own hands moved from my shoulder and across my collarbone. I tensed. Jesus, Clayton was watching all of this. "You know, if you'd completed the process with him I wouldn't be able to remove his mark. I think deep down, you knew you were meant to be here."

"Look away, Clayton." I muttered into the camera, knowing it was coming soon. I could feel his jaw widening as his canines extended. Sweat was lining my brow and dripping down the sides of my face, my wrist was the only thing grounding me with its pain and the throbbing in my head from my bruise. Let it be quick, I begged. Please, let it be quick.

"Oh no, Clayton, buddy. I want you to watch this. I want you to watch me take your girl away." He inhaled again, taking in my scent and held me tight so I couldn't move away. The doctor was fighting the wolves holding him, but they hit him in the stomach, over an old wound I assumed because he collapsed to his knees, clutching his side and staring at me with tears in his eyes. I've never seen a grown man cry before.

"See he knows, Alice." Dalton continued. God, just let him do it already! Stop this torture! "He knows what the mark does to a female. How wild it drives them. How bad have you wanted your mate, dear Alice? How strongly do you crave his touch?"

His tongue darted over my skin and I gagged, and tears fell onto my cheeks and I hated myself for crying, I hated myself completely.

"It'll be no different with me." He whispered into my ear before capturing the lobe in his mouth quickly. "You won't be able to control yourself, Alice."

"Clayton, look away!" I screamed, crying hard, crying fully so it made my chest seize. I didn't want him to go, I didn't want to lose him. Not Clayton, god, not him, I didn't want to. Not this new connection, and the way I felt for him, and the way I needed him.

"Make sure he's looking." Dalton growled out, his voice taking on a dangerous tone. Elliot looked at the camera and nodded and I saw Helen bouncing on her feet off to the side in excitement.

I took in quick breaths, nearly hyperventilating.

And when I felt his breath right over Claytons mark, I sucked in one final breath, and held it, and felt the rogue Alphas canines sink cleanly into my skin.

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