Chapter 12

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WARNING: Contains sexual content

I woke up very suddenly and very dramatically. With arms flailing and legs spinning, tangled in soft cream sheets. I sat up so fast my head spun and my neck tweaked and I was breathing fast, very fast.

Fast enough to realize I was naked.

I grabbed at the sheet and pulled it up to my neck, a horrible apprehension building in my stomach. I-I felt very lost. Very confused. The last moment I remembered was Clayton, and his canines, and my neck, and the sting of his mark.

My fingers reached up to my shoulder where he bit and I pulled back sharply, feeling the raised, sensitive skin. So he did mark me.

I felt him beside me in that moment. Not in the sense where he stirred, and the bed dipped. He was a contended sort of presence, a presence inside my head like a separate section of my emotions.

So this is what it felt like to be connected. I turned to look at him slowly.

Please don't be naked.

Please don't be naked.

Please don't be-

Oh fuck he was naked.

And fast asleep. He was lying on his stomach, his head turned to the side, breathing deeply and evenly. The sheets were at his ankles and I had a perfect, rounded view of his-

No, dirty mind. Very aroused, dirty mind. My head dropped into my hands and I clenched my eyes together tightly. Oh god, what happened? I internally felt myself, as though checking for injury. The first time hurt, right? But there was no ache, other than a relaxed sort of feeling through my muscles. Why couldn't I remember?

I felt stupid. I mean, something obviously happened between Clayton and I. People don't just happen to wake up naked next to each other. Should I feel taken advantage of? I don't remember anything, but that didn't mean I hadn't seemed to be acting coherently. Maybe Clayton thought I was still me, still oaky to make decisions . . .

But this kind of thing, this sexual kind of thing . . . it was supposed to mean something, at least to me, and hell, I couldn't even remember it.


I jumped and lifted my head quickly. Clayton was lifting himself up, eyes still unfocused with sleep. He blinked slowly, a lazy grin stretching across his perfect, beautiful face. My stomach tightened awkwardly and his smile stretched further, feeling every bit of my want.

It wasn't until he was fully sitting did I see the mark he was sporting, a haphazard, messy mark that was more on his collarbone than shoulder. My mark.

"Are you okay?" Clayton asked, eyebrows coming together in concern.

I couldn't shake the fact that we were both extremely and properly naked. Me covered by the thin sheet, but Clayton bare and naked. Everything showing. Every well endowed part.

Oh god.

I stood from the bed, wrapping the sheet around my body, covering every inch of myself. My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour while Clayton watched me, horribly confused.

"I- Clayton, what happened?" I managed to choke out. "What did we do?" I waved a hand between the two of us and our lack of clothes.

He raised an eyebrow, smiling in a confused sort of way. "Are you kidding me?"

"Clayton, please." I was on the verge of sobbing and as much as it horrified me to think I might be about to cry, I couldn't help it. "Just tell me what the hell happened."

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