Chapter 19

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I followed Helen up the stairs.  We moved slowly since I still felt weak, and tired.  We walked down a thin hallway and she opened up a door to a beautiful room with deep blue curtains and bedspreads and a master bathroom connected.  I hated that this place was so glamorous, and I hated that this woman, Helen, seemed so happy that I was kidnapped.

She pulled a dress from a mahogany wardrobe and laid it on the bed.  It was blood red and skin tight and would come to just above my knees.  “I’m not wearing that.” I said bitterly.  “I’m not dressing up for you, or him, or anyone.”

Helen sighed like she was a disappointed mother.  “Sweetheart, you’ll look lovely in it!  Besides, it’d ruin all the fun if I had to call some of the guys in here to help you get dressed.  Alpha would really not like anyone other than the females to see your body.”

I horrified shiver creeped over my skin as the full reality began to settle down on my shoulders.  I had been kidnapped, and I was surrounded my psychopaths, driven mad from having no pack.  And their Alpha was going to mark me, have sex with me, then use our connection to make me control all other wolves for whatever sick needs he had.

I felt like throwing up.

“You can go fuck yourself.” I said breathlessly, so distraught I found no conviction in the words, only a tired insult.

Helen smiled as I made my way to the dress.  She handed me a strapless bra in my size, and a matching pair of underwear and I was trembling, hating the fact I felt so weak, so useless.  My eyes drifted to an alarm clock on the table beside the bed and before thought could catch up to reason I was grabbing it, lifting it, and throwing it at Helen.

Who caught it well before it would have hit her.

She smiled that sickly sweet smile and tsked.  “Sweetheart, come on now.  You’re just being rude.”

The door burst open and the same rogue from before plus two new ones came in, making their way straight for me.  I screamed and darted around the bed where the dress was lain out, moving for the bathroom.  I’d lock myself in there, I figured.  Maybe there was a window, or—

They caught me on the wrist, and yanked me backwards.  I was fully screaming now, thrashing and moving and damn them, damn every last one of them.  The sheet was pulled away and with a new fervor now, a new terror, I fought.  Two of them held my legs so when Helen pulled the underwear up my naked legs I couldn’t kick her, no matter how hard I tried.  And they pulled my arms back so far I was really, really screaming from the agony of it while she clipped my bra into place.  With my undergarments on and somewhat clothed now, they released me and I dropped to the floor.

I launched myself to my feet the next moment, breathing heavily and feeling embarrassed and exposed and humiliated.  “Can you put the dress on?  Or do you need help with that too?” Helen asked kindly.

“You can all go to hell.” I bit out.

And so they put the dress on for me also.


It took four of them to hold me steady enough for Helen to curl my hair.  It took an hour, and I was sweating, and I had been burned about seven times.  My scalp seared from the pain, and my limbs felt as though they were being torn from their sockets.

But this was sick. So, so sick, and wrong.  They were dressing me up to be served to their Alpha, and no matter how much I screamed no one came, no one helped.

When she was finished, Helen decided makeup would have to do without, since there was no way to keep me still enough for that.  They stood me up, and forced my feet into black heels.  I kicked them away instantly, and was met with a back hand to my cheek.  I saw stars, and was momentarily subdued enough for them to put the shoes back on.

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