Chapter 18

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I woke up to darkness.

My head swam and although I could see nothing it felt like my world was spinning.  I closed my eyes tight and fought the nausea.  I raised my hands to feel my surroundings and cried out in shock when my hands met cool steal walls, and a cool steel ceiling.

Oh god.

Right above my head was a cool steel door, and when I scooted down further, a cool steel wall greet my bare feet.  In fact, my entire body was bare save for what felt like a thin white sheet over my essential areas.

And it was cold.  Very, very cold.

“H-help.” I croaked, but my voice shook and it was barely a whisper.  “Help!” I cried louder.

I hit the steal above my head.  Was I buried alive?  My chest constricted at the thought and although I knew I needed to save my breath, that I could suffocate, I screamed anyways.  The walls started closing in, my chest ached terribly, and burning tears ran down my cheeks.

Suddenly, quite without warning, the wall behind my head opened and stark white light filtered in. I was blinded as my world jostled once more and I was moving.  I was lying on some sort of tray, a metal table, and I was slid out and—and I was in a morgue.

The ghastly horror shut me up for a moment as I gazed around me, still weary from the drug.  Finally, my eyes fell on the stranger above me and I screamed again, only to have a big hand clamp over my mouth.

“Shush now, you’ve been so good for the past two days.” The man cooed.  I didn’t recognize him, but I knew he was rogue, he had to be.  No normal mortician would pull a live person from a freezer and act this creepy.  Unless they were murderers.  “If you start screaming, I’ll put you right back in there, alright?”

I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but the thought of being shoved back in there was—terrifying.  When he thought I was going to stay quiet, he removed his hand.  “I’ve been in there for two days?” I asked.  My throat felt dry and from nowhere, he handed me a glass of water.

The kind gesture surprised me and I gave it a look, wondering what he had laced it with.  He sighed, and took a sip to prove it was okay.  I took it the next instant, guzzling it quickly as I sat up.  I was careful to keep the sheet wrapped around my body as I surveyed the room.

It was small, with two walls lined with steel freezers like the one I had been in.  There were rows of autopsy tables, some with dead people on them, and I had to look away quickly.  There was only one door I saw out of here, around a table filled with all sorts of tools that seemed like they’d hurt quite a lot. 

“We couldn’t very well just wheel you out of the hospital.” The rogue explained as he worked on something at the table, back turned to me.  “You’re pretty little boyfriend had it surrounded in seconds the smart bastard.  We had to go to plan B and wait for things to settle down.  We’ve kept you sedated.”

“How did the mortician not notice me?”

The rogue lifted his head, casting me cruel smile as he nodded to the freezer beside me.  “He’s been a little preoccupied.”

I felt sick to my stomach as the rogue turned back.  My head felt dizzy, and I couldn’t trust the strength of my legs, but I pulled the sheet around my body tight and jumped from the stand, readying myself to sprint for my life.

I hadn’t even taken my first step before he had me.  A needle sunk into the soft flesh of my upper arm and another hand came up to cover my blood curdling scream.  Not from the pain, but from the fear.  Instant numbness spread through my body until I couldn’t’ feel my limbs at all.  And that terrified me all the more.  Because I was awake, alive, conscious, but immobile.

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