he a smol

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mabel and dipper are in their twenties and yeah

Dipper and Mabel mirrored each other, arms crossed and a brow cocked as the triangular demon rolled his eye.

"What's the point, I'm fine being a geometric shape instead of a meat sac," he made a disgusted noise, "you can get sick and it's all nasty" Bill muttered and Dipper smirked.

"C'mon" Mabel snickered and Bill turned away from them.


"Billllll" Mabel whined and Dipper joined in.

Bill's arms dropped and he sighed, "Fine fine" he huffed and twirled his finger slightly and there was a brief flash.

"Oh my god" Mabel stared at him and started laughing loudly. "You're so short!"

Bill balled his fists up and blood rushed to his face, "so? You're not that tall either!"

Dipper walked up to him and Bill looked up at him, "you're smaller than I thought" Dipper grinned and Bill shoved his chest and moved away.

"If you keep saying things like that I won't do anything for you two again" he threatened.

Mabel laughed harder, "you're so threatening," she fell back and Bill glared.

"Mabel" Dipper said and she looked at him and smiled slightly, "let's stop bugging the little man"

"Pine tree!" Bill shouted and Dipper joined in with Mabel's laughter. "For my sake, I am not that much shorter than you, only a few inches you clod!"

Mabel waved her hand wildly and Dipper bent down as she whispered something to him and he snickered.

Bill growled at them and stalked out of the room.

"Bill" Dipper rolled his eyes and helped Mabel up and they followed him.

"No, go away!" Bill shouted and slammed the front door behind him.

"He's like a child"

"Who use's outdated words"

"It's not outdated!" Bill yelled from outside and Mabel smirked.

Dipper stepped out and looked around, "Billlll, stop whining"

"I'm allowed to whine!" Bill stomped his foot and Mabel giggled at his actions.

"Bill, go sit in the corner" Dipper said seriously but couldn't help the smile at the end and Bill spat at them.

"You know what, maybe I'll end this stupid world earlier, maybe, hmm" he tapped his chin, "tomorrow?"

"Does that fit your schedule? Because I'm also open for today"

"You're kidding, right?"

Bill clenched his fists and Dipper stared. "Mabel, Mabel he's serious" he turned to Mabel and her eyes widened.

"Bill, Bill c'mon it was just a joke!"

"Just a joke?!" Bill threw his arms at them, "are fucking kidding me?!"

his ego is bigger than him

"Dude, calm down" Mabel held her hands out and Bill's features flashed with something other than anger but it was quickly replaced again.

"Bill," Dipper took a step foreword and Bill's eyes darted to him. Dipper felt like he had to treat this situation like Bill was a startled animal by the way his stance was. "We're sorry, alright?"

Bill took a step back and Dipper sighed. "If you won't let me come to you, then can you come to me?" Dipper held his arms out slightly and Bill watched him and shook his head quickly. "C'mon Bill" Dipper knelt down slightly and Bill took a slow step closer.

After a couple of seconds he moved faster and stood a few feet away from Dipper. "See, look at that" Dipper smiled up at him. "How are you feeling? Are you calmer?" He asked, his voice soothing and Bill sat down and watched him before blowing out a puff of air.


"Good" Dipper smiled and leaned back slightly and closed his eyes, waiting patiently till he felt Bill seat himself in his lap and lean against him.

"I do feel bad about snapping at you" Bill murmured and Dipper wrapped his arms around him.

"It was perfectly rational to get mad at us, we were making fun of you" Dipper responded and Bill hummed in reply.

"Bill, I'm sorry" Mabel sat down in front of them and Bill looked at her.

"It's alright, I didn't hurt anyone so it's not one's fault" he looked at his hands and laughed weakly, "I'm even more unstable in this form"

"So, you can calm down" Dipper kissed his jaw lightly and Bill shrugged slightly.

"We cool?" Mabel asked and pointed her fingers at Bill like they were pistols.

"We cool" he snorted and she smiled happily.

happy ending, yay


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