bill's a jerk

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isn't really billdip but i don't care :^))))))

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Bill circled the girl, his shoes clicking against the wood.

"No! You lied to me!" Mabel shouted and Bill tutted.

"No, you told me you wanted a summer that never ended" he smiled at her calmly. "So I felt the need to deliver."

"That doesn't mean you should bring the world to an end!" She shrieked louder and he snapped his fingers, her mouth shutting.

"I'm helping humanity by doing this, they're all disgusting and need to be eradicated, and you just gave me an easy way to do so"

"Fix it, fix it please" she sobbed and Bill sneered.

"What would you give me to make it stop?" He cocked a brow and she looked at her hands, "I've already got your brother's soul, I wouldn't mind adding to the collection" Bill towered over the twelve year old.

She opened her mouth to say something but Bill stopped her, making her look up to him, "but what makes you think giving me your soul will save this filthy world" he hissed and she clawed at his hand.

"Get away from me!" She punched his jaw and Bill barked out a harsh laugh.

"My my shooting star, your brother was much easier to bargain with, he handed himself over to me so easily" he lilted and purred lowly, "but I guess since he's the smarter of you two he realized I could help"

"S-Stop" Mabel stammered and stumbled away from him, tears running down her red cheeks. She fell back and Bill walked closer, digging his cane into her back.

"So, what'll it be? Your soul or the world?" He held his hands out in a mock representation of a scale, moving them up and down slightly.

Mabel closed her eyes tightly, her hand shaking as she raised it, Bill's leather gloved hand grasped hers and he shook it, blue fire spreading up her arm.

"Thanks a lot" he smiled sweetly at her, "I'll come for that soul when you die!" He said cheerily and with a snap of his fingers everything went dark.


"Mabel, Mabel!" Dipper shook her, a worried expression on his face. She groaned and rolled over, shoving at him.

"Go away dip"

"Oh thank the gods" Dipper breathed out a sigh of relief and she glanced at him.

"How come you're all worried?"

"You passed out and fell Mabel, I don't see why I wouldn't be worried" he huffed and she shrugged.

There was a soft flicker, like static almost but Mabel dismissed it and smiled at Dipper, "thanks for being worried Dipstick"


It's like her own personal limbo, it's not that hard to explain Bill watched as Mabel interacted with the others.

She's got her own perfect little world now, he spun around and grinned down at another bubble, while her real one still burns.

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