who's lying?

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Bill smiled down at Dipper, the boy was only 13 and he had been 'assigned' to watch over him, at least that's what he told the kid. "Whatcha, writing?" He knelt down and Dipper tapped the journal quickly.

"I'm writing about you"

"Oh about me? Pine tree, I'm flattered"

Dipper snorted and glanced up at him before ducking his eyes down.

"Can I see what you're writing about me?"


Bill's smile disappeared for a second before he shrugged. "Alright" he turned away and sat down. He could feel the kids gaze on his back and before he knew it Dipper leaned over him and held the book out.


Bill laughed and took the book from him, running his thumb over the page as he read. "I see you tried to draw me" he cocked a brow and Dipper rolled his eyes.

"I felt like I had to"


Dipper pulled the book away and closed it quickly when Bill tried to turn the page, "whatever do you have in there that you don't want me to see?" He leaned back and Pine tree glared.

"I only wanted you to read the part about you"

Bill pursed his lips before smirking, "alr-"

The door opened quietly and Ford poked his head in, "Cipher, I need to talk to you"

Bill looked over at him and Dipper frowned, "but we were talkin-"

"It's alright, I'll be back later" he pulled Dipper's hat over his eyes and Dipper balled his fists up.


"Ah." Bill put a finger to his lips before exiting the room and following the old man.

"So what didja need me for?" Bill asked and he got no response so he huffed, just following him quietly.

Ford pressed something into the vending machine and Bill snickered, Ford sending him a glare.

"Why can't we just sit in the kitchen and talk? It's all damp and gross down here" Bill loosened his bow tie slightly and followed down the path.

"Because, I don't want Dipper to listen in"

"Oh? You've caught my interest, do go on?" Bill sneered and gasped when Ford turned and grabbed his wrists. "Hey!"

"Shut up" Ford glared and Bill mocked him before a rope was tied around his wrists.

"You think this can stop me?" Bill laughed harshly and pulled, but the rope wouldn't snap and he looked up at him. "What is this?!"

"It's just a rope"

"No. It's. Not. TELL ME!" Bill tried to jump at him but rammed headfirst into an invisible barrier. "What?" He stumbled slightly and fell to his knees.

"Dipper always tells me how your his 'guardian angel'" Ford muttered before grinning, "but you aren't an angel, are you Cipher?"

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