
218 14 7

bad relationship bad relationship yeah yeah

"C'mon babe" Bill's voice lowered, his hand gripping tighter at Dipper's hip and the other lifting the gun up. "All you've gotta do is pull the trigger" Bill's lips ghosted over Dipper's jaw, "c'mon pines"

"B-Bill, this is wron-"

Bill's fingers were like a vice on his hip and he took a shaky breath, his own fingers staying still. That's when he realized Bill was making him kill the man himself.

"Sweetie" Bill stresses, his voice getting echoey and Dipper pulled the trigger, the sound of the bullet hitting the man's shoulder was terrifying and Dipper let out a wretched sob as he saw the man's tears start a new. He dropped the gun.

Bill tutted lowly, watching as Dipper stumbled away and pressed himself against the wall. The demon picked the gun up slowly, making a disconcerting noise before the gun shot rang out again and Dipper screamed as the man's brain matter and blood painted the walls and a bit even got on Bill's shoes.

An amused snort left the blonde, his fingers playing with the trigger before pointing it at the corpse and buried the rest of the bullets in the now bloody mess.

There was a long moment of silence before Bill's fingers snapped sharply, "get up" his tone was calm and that just made Dipper feel worse.

Of course the human was too scared to move so Bill whipped around, his eyes wide and pupils narrowed into slits, "I said get up!" He snarled out, his chest heaving as his emotions got the better of him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Dipper sobbed, scrambling to get up only to get slapped by the blonde, effectively shutting him up.

"You better shut your goddamned mouth till we get home" Bill's lips shifted in a forced smile, "because if I hear a fucking sound I'm going to cut out your tongue and shove it down your stupid throat" the smile immediately turned into a malicious grin.


Dipper's lips pursed before he just nodded pitifully, the blonde grabbing his shoulder in a tight grip before turning and stalking off.

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