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oh yes baby, alpha beta and omega dynamics are my kink ;))
slightly nsfw content(?) just one thing

Bill snorted, his hands pulling at his shirt absentmindedly. He really should have picked a different host, he was alright with being an Omega. He enjoyed the looks Alpha's would throw his way but he hated his stupid heat.

He brushed his hair out of his face and stiffened his posture, he was nearing his heat(he could feel it burning through him a bit already) and he decided to try and ask Dipper to..comfort him during his heat. The poor kid was an Alpha, and a shitty one at that, but Bill didn't care. All he needed was the comforting presence of the Alpha to calm him and sate his needs.

After doing one final look over himself he knocked heavily on the door and waited for what seemed like hours(which was barely even a minute but can you blame him and his 'heat addled' mind?) Of course it had to be his lousy Beta sister who open the door and Bill sneered slightly.

"Oh, whatcha doing here Bill?" Mabel asked kindly and Bill just snorted, moving to push past her but she held her arm out and stopped him.

"I need Dipper" he stated lamely and Mabel swore there was a bit of urgency in the Omega's tone and she let a knowing smile grace her lips.

"Oh well let me get out of the way" she was all happy and bubbly smiles now and Bill's mood soured a bit as he walked in and was hit by the smell of two Alpha's, swallowing thickly.

Now he knew what he was getting into, Ford was an Alpha as well and as much as Bill hated to admit it the man had gotten him through a few heats. But Bill wasn't here for that bastard, he was here for his newest infatuation, Dipper Pines.

"Hey Dipstick, get down here!" Mabel called loudly as she walked off towards the living room and Bill waited at the stairs for Dipper.

He smelled the man before he said a word, "What are you doing in here Bill?" Ford muttered, trying to sound threatening but he could obviously smell the sickly sweet smell wafting off of Bill and it made him begin to edge closer.

"Oh off yourself why don't you, old man" Bill snarled out, his stance getting a bit wider in preparation to hit the Alpha if he got to close.

"Bill!" Dipper said gleefully, running from his room and jumping down the stairs before coming to an abrupt halt, watching the situation before him.

Instantly Bill relaxed at the presence of 'his' Alpha and let out a pleased hum as Dipper snarled slightly and glared at Ford. "Oh Pines, he was going to try and get me" Bill cooed, moving back and pressing himself up against Dipper.

"He was going to take advantage of me" Bill murmured, suckling beneath Dipper's jaw and grinned devilishly when Dipper's eyes darkened. "Me, a poor Omega who's going into heat soon" Bill ground his hips back slightly and that was enough for the Alpha to surge past him and clock Ford right in the face.

The Omega bounced happily on his heels watching as the Alphas started fighting, punches being thrown and clothes being ripped.

"Ah shit" Stan and Mabel watched the two fight, they were both just Betas and they knew the Alphas could just overpower them in a second so they stayed out of the fight.

A pleased noise rumbled out of Bill as blood began sluggishly dripping out of Ford's now broken nose. Bill would have loved to let them keep fighting and watch Dipper beat his great uncle but his heat had other plans.

He let out a needy whine, Dipper snapping his head up to look at him before darting to his side and cooing sweet words to him.

"Please" was all that needed to be said before Dipper picked him up and ran up the stairs to his room.

"Ugh, we gotta keep Ford outta the house for a while" Stan sighed, looking at his brother before turning to Mabel who was glaring.

"Yeah, Bill should've stopped Dipper though, he'll probably not be happy after this week when he finds out what he did to Ford" Mabel murmured and Stan just nodded his assent.

haven't written in a long long time, and i really wanted to try a/b/o dynamics for once

i'd like to post another part to this where bill is just extremely heat delirious and dipper's gotta take care of the whiny omega
if you're interested in the second part could you maybe tell me in the comments? that'd be pretty rad

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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